This option is used to write the sensitivities of contact, element, nodal, and/or eigenmode responses to the output database. The *CONTACT RESPONSE, *ELEMENT RESPONSE, and/or *NODE RESPONSE options can be used in conjunction with this option.
Product: ABAQUS/Design
Type: History data
Level: Step
Set this parameter equal to the output frequency of the response sensitivities. The output will always be written to the output database at the last increment. If this parameter is omitted, output will be written at every increment of the analysis. Set FREQUENCY=0 to suppress output of the response sensitivities. This parameter also controls the frequency of the sensitivity calculations for the total DSA formulation.
Include this parameter to indicate that a list of eigenmodes for which sensitivities are desired will be listed on the data lines. This parameter is valid only in a *FREQUENCY procedure.