Specify user-defined potentials in connector elements.

This option is used to define a restricted set of mathematical functions to represent yield or limiting surfaces in the space spanned by connector available components. It can be used only in conjunction with the following options: *CONNECTOR DAMAGE EVOLUTION, *CONNECTOR DAMAGE INITIATION, *CONNECTOR FRICTION, or *CONNECTOR PLASTICITY.

Products: ABAQUS/Standard  ABAQUS/Explicit  

Type: Model data

Level: Model  


Optional parameters:


This parameter can be used only if OPERATOR=SUM.

Set this parameter equal to the inverse of the overall exponent, , in the potential definition. must be a positive number. The default value is .


Set OPERATOR=SUM (default) to define the potential as the sum of the contributions defined on each data line.

Set OPERATOR=MAX to define the potential as the contribution coming from the data line that yields the maximum value. The EXPONENT parameter is ignored in this case.

Data lines to define the potential: 

First line:

  1. Connector component number (1–6) or connector derived component name that is used in the contribution.

  2. Nonzero scaling factor . The default value is .

  3. Positive exponent . The default value is that of the EXPONENT parameter, . The exponent is ignored if OPERATOR=MAX.

  4. The function to be used to generate the contribution. can be ABS (absolute value), MACAULEY (Macauley bracket), or NONE (the identity function). NONE can be used only if . The default value is ABS.

  5. Shift factor . The default value is .

  6. Sign of this contribution . The only admissible values are (default) and .

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the potential.