Specify connector damage evolution for connector elements.

This option is used to define connector damage evolution for connector elements that have available components of relative motion. It must be used in conjunction with the *CONNECTOR DAMAGE INITIATION option.

Product: ABAQUS/Explicit  

Type: Model data

Level: Model  


Required parameter:


Set TYPE=MOTION to use either connector constitutive relative motions (displacements/rotations) or plastic relative motions (displacement/rotations) to specify damage evolution.

Set TYPE=ENERGY to use post-damage initiation dissipation energies to specify damage evolution.

Optional parameters:


Include this parameter to identify on the data line the components of relative motion that will be damaged.

If this parameter is omitted and the COMPONENT parameter is included on the associated *CONNECTOR DAMAGE INITIATION option, only the specified component will undergo damage.

If both this parameter and the COMPONENT parameter on the associated *CONNECTOR DAMAGE INITIATION option are omitted, only the components of relative motion involved in the associated *CONNECTOR POTENTIAL definition will undergo damage.


Set DEGRADATION=MAXIMUM (default) to indicate that the damage value associated with this option will be first compared to damage values from other damage mechanisms (if defined) and that only the maximum value will be considered for the overall damage.

Set DEGRADATION=MULTIPLICATIVE to indicate that the damage value associated with this option will contribute multiplicatively to the overall damage.


Set this parameter equal to the number of field variable dependencies included in the definition of the connector damage evolution, in addition to temperature. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the connector damage evolution is independent of field variables. See Specifying field variable dependence” in “Material data definition, Section 9.1.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, for more information.


This parameter can be used only in conjunction with TYPE=MOTION.

Set SOFTENING=LINEAR (default) to specify a linear damage evolution law.

Set SOFTENING=EXPONENTIAL to specify an exponential damage evolution law.

Set SOFTENING=TABULAR to specify a damage evolution law in tabular form.

Data lines to define the damage evolution for TYPE=MOTION, SOFTENING=LINEAR

First line (needed only if the AFFECTED COMPONENTS parameter is included):

  1. First component of relative motion number that will be damaged.

  2. Second component of relative motion number that will be damaged.

  3. Etc., up to six entries.

Second line if the AFFECTED COMPONENTS parameter is included; otherwise, first line:

  1. Post-initiation equivalent relative plastic motion at ultimate failure if CRITERION=PLASTIC MOTION is specified on the associated *CONNECTOR DAMAGE INITIATION option. Otherwise, post-initiation constitutive relative motion (displacement/rotation) at ultimate failure. See Connector behavior, Section 17.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, for a description of the connector relative motions.

  2. Mode-mix ratio if CRITERION=PLASTIC MOTION and the COMPONENT parameter is omitted from the associated *CONNECTOR DAMAGE INITIATION option. Leave blank otherwise.

  3. Temperature.

  4. First field variable.

  5. Second field variable.

  6. Etc., up to five field variables.

Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than five):

  1. Sixth field variable.

  2. Etc., up to eight field variables per line.

Do not repeat the data line that specifies the affected components. Repeat the subsequent set of data lines as often as necessary to define connector damage evolution by specifying the connector relative plastic or constitutive motion at ultimate failure as a function of mode-mix ratio, temperature, and other predefined field variables.

Data lines to define the damage evolution for TYPE=MOTION, SOFTENING=EXPONENTIAL

First line (needed only if the AFFECTED COMPONENTS parameter is included):

  1. First component of relative motion number that will be damaged.

  2. Second component of relative motion number that will be damaged.

  3. Etc., up to six entries.

Second line if the AFFECTED COMPONENTS parameter is included; otherwise, first line:

  1. Post-initiation equivalent relative plastic motion at ultimate failure if CRITERION=PLASTIC MOTION is specified on the associated *CONNECTOR DAMAGE INITIATION option. Otherwise, post-initiation constitutive relative motion (displacement/rotation) at ultimate failure. See Connector behavior, Section 17.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, for a description of the connector relative motions.

  2. Mode-mix ratio if CRITERION=PLASTIC MOTION and the COMPONENT parameter is omitted from the associated *CONNECTOR DAMAGE INITIATION option. Leave blank otherwise.

  3. Temperature.

  4. First field variable.

  5. Second field variable.

  6. Etc., up to four field variables.

Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than four):

  1. Fifth field variable.

  2. Etc., up to eight field variables per line.

Do not repeat the data line that specifies the affected components. Repeat the subsequent set of data lines as often as necessary to define connector damage evolution by specifying the connector relative plastic or constitutive motion at ultimate failure and the exponential law parameter as functions of mode-mix ratio, temperature, and other predefined field variables.

Data lines to define the damage evolution for TYPE=MOTION, SOFTENING=TABULAR

First line (needed only if the AFFECTED COMPONENTS parameter is included):

  1. First component of relative motion number that will be damaged.

  2. Second component of relative motion number that will be damaged.

  3. Etc., up to six entries.

Second line if the AFFECTED COMPONENTS parameter is included; otherwise, first line:

  1. Damage variable.

  2. Post-initiation equivalent relative plastic motion if CRITERION=PLASTIC MOTION on the associated *CONNECTOR DAMAGE INITIATION option. Otherwise, post-initiation constitutive relative motion (displacement/rotation). See Connector behavior, Section 17.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual, for a description of the connector relative motions.

  3. Mode-mix ratio if CRITERION=PLASTIC MOTION and the COMPONENT parameter is omitted from the associated *CONNECTOR DAMAGE INITIATION option. Leave blank otherwise.

  4. Temperature.

  5. First field variable.

  6. Second field variable.

  7. Etc., up to four field variables.

Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than four):

  1. Fifth field variable.

  2. Etc., up to eight field variables per line.

Do not repeat the data line that specifies the affected components. Repeat the subsequent set of data lines as often as necessary to define connector damage evolution as a function of connector relative plastic or constitutive motion, mode-mix ratio, temperature, and other predefined field variables.

Data lines to define the damage evolution for TYPE=ENERGY

First line (needed only if the AFFECTED COMPONENTS parameter is included):

  1. First component of relative motion number that will be damaged.

  2. Second component of relative motion number that will be damaged.

  3. Etc., up to six entries.

Second line if the AFFECTED COMPONENTS parameter is included; otherwise, first line:

  1. Total energy dissipated by damage at ultimate failure.

  2. Mode-mix ratio if CRITERION=PLASTIC MOTION and the COMPONENT parameter is omitted from the associated *CONNECTOR DAMAGE INITIATION option. Leave blank otherwise.

  3. Temperature.

  4. First field variable.

  5. Second field variable.

  6. Etc., up to five field variables.

Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than five):

  1. Sixth field variable.

  2. Etc., up to eight field variables per line.

Do not repeat the data line that specifies the affected components. Repeat the subsequent set of data lines as often as necessary to define connector damage evolution by specifying the post-initiation dissipation energy as a function of mode-mix ratio, temperature, and other predefined field variables.