2.6 Results

After the analysis is completed, the data file, frame.dat, will contain the tables of results requested with the *NODE PRINT and *EL PRINT options. The tables of results follow the output from the datacheck analysis. The results from the overhead hoist simulation are shown in Figure 2–13 and Figure 2–14.

Figure 2–13 Element output.

Figure 2–14 Node output.

Are the nodal displacements and peak stresses in the individual members reasonable for this hoist and these applied loads?

It is always a good idea to check that the results of the simulation satisfy basic physical principles. In this case check that the external forces applied to the hoist sum to zero in both the vertical and horizontal directions.

What nodes have vertical forces applied to them? What nodes have horizontal forces? Do the results from your simulation match those shown here?

ABAQUS also creates several other files during a simulation. One such file—the output database file, frame.odb—can be used to visualize the results graphically using ABAQUS/Viewer.