NS3 Simulation Model of WiMAX

We have developed an NS-3 Model of Mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e) networks. The model is based on WiMAX Forum's forum NS-2 Model. That model had gone extensive validation with WiMAX Forum members and so we believe is one of the most accurate models of WiMAX.

Because there are significant architectural differences between the simulators, translating NS-2 models for use in NS-3 is an extremely involved process. The details of translation are documented in Christopher Thomas's MS Thesis which is included in the package.

The model was developed using NS-3.10 on MAC OSX 10.6 and has been tested on Ubuntu Linux 10.10. It is expected to work on other operating systems, such as, other varieties of UNIX and WINDOWS operating systems but has not been tested.

The model is being provided "as is." Unfortunately, this is not a funded project and We are not able to provide support for the model.

We would be interested in feedback from users who are able to use the model successfully or unsuccessfully.

Chris Thomas's MS Thesis describes the project.
You can also download Complete Package including source code and documentation.

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