Hot Topics in Networking including ATM, Multimedia, and Wireless
The field of networking is growing exponentially both in terms of deployment and in development of new technologies. This makes makes it difficult for most technical professionals to keep abreast of new developments. This 2-day seminar is designed to give technical professionals an overview of recent advances in networking.
The seminar begins with an discussion of trends in networking and then provides an overview of new developments and technical issues in topics that are being hotly debated in the networking community.
The seminar is specially designed for people who do not have time to take individual tutorials on each topic and would like to get a technical overview.
Who Should Attend:
- Educators and Engineers involved in Networking
- Networking researchers interested in getting started in a new area
- Marketing professionals, Technical Managers, Planners
- Attendees should have a basic acquaintance with networking
- Networking Trends, Impact of Standardization
- Gigabit Networking, High Speed Network Design, Distance-Bandwidth Tradeoff
- ATM Networks, Introduction, LAN Emulation, IP over ATM, Congestion Control
- High Speed Networking Challenges, Networking Successes and Failures of the past
- All-Optical Networks
- Multimedia Networks, Compression Standards: JPEG, MPEG, H.261, Video on packet networks, Characteristics of Video Traffic, Multimedia over IP and ATM networks
- Wireless LANs and WANs, Infrared, Radio, vs Spread Spectrum Technologies, IP Mobile Host Protocol, Mobile Computing Issues.
Dr. Raj Jain is a professor of computer science at The Ohio State University. and an authority on computer networking. He is an active member of ATM Forum Traffic Management group and has influenced its direction considerably. He is a Fellow of IEEE, Past Vice-Chair of ACM SIGCOMM, and serves on the editorial boards of Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Computer Communications (UK), and the Journal of High Speed Networks. He is the author of two popular books: ``FDDI Handbook: High Speed Networking using Fiber and Other Media'' published by Addison-Wesley and "The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis" published by Wiley.
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