R. Jain, "Recent Advances in Networking Including ATM, Traffic Management, Switching, and QoS," Fore Systems, Chennai (Madras), India, December 18, 1998.

ATM networks are a result of merger of data and phone networks. The key features that distinguish ATM networks from data networks (IP and Gigabit Ethernet) are the traffic management, signaling, quality of service, and switching.

ATM offers several different service categories. Of these, the available bit rate (ABR) is ideal for data. The performance of TCP/IP protocols over ABR and Unspecified bit rate (UBR) will be compared.

LAN emulation (LANE) allows current applications to run unchanged over ATM. MPOA extends this to larger ATM networks and eliminates the need for routing in an ATM network. This lead to the development of other layer 3 (L3) switching techniques such as multiprotocol label switching (MPLS).

The latest issue in networking is that of quality of service (QoS). Integrated services and RSVP were designed to provide QoS over IP. Unfortunately, they were found unsuitable for backbone. Differentiated services are now being designed for the backbone. The strengths and weaknesses of differentiated services will be pointed out.

MPLS effort is also being refocused towards QoS and traffic engineering. Details of these various approaches to QoS will be explained.

This is a tutorial (as opposed to research) level technical talk.

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