Networking Developments for IoT: Current Research Issues

Keynote by Prof. Raj Jain at 2nd International Conference on Smart IoT Systems: Innovations in Computing (SSIC 2019), Jaipur, India, January 20, 2019

Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) is currently at the top of the hype cycle with investments from corporations and venture capital firms. Both IoT and Smart Cities share similar issues and challenges. The key areas of research in IoT including security will be explained. In particular, IoT has led to increased use of cloud computing and multi-cloud computing. Recent developments in networking for managing such globally distributed multi-cloud applications will be presented. These developments include virtualization, network function virtualization, and disaggregation. These trends and their impact on networking research along several related myths and issues will be discussed in this talk. We will also talk about research issues in the application of blockchains in IoT and networking.

This keynote covers the following topics:

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