Seven Trends Leading to Opportunities in Multi-Cloud Global Application Delivery

Prof. Raj Jain's Keynote at 2016 International Conference on Communications, Image, and Signal Processing (CCISP), Dubai, November 19, 2016.

Abstract: Seven trends that are driving the computation currently are: Micro-Cloud computing, Software defined networking, Network function virtualization, Any Function Virtualization, Mobile Edge Computing, Micro-services, and Smart Everything (Internet of Things). While cloud computing is now very common, these trends will lead soon to multi-cloud computation supporting mobile devices. In this talk we briefly talk about each of these trends and then about our OpenADN project for managing such globally distributed multi-cloud applications. OpenADN allows management of applications distributed globally on several private/public clouds. The results apply to "Fog Computing," "Mobile Edge Computing," and "Cloud of Clouds" ideas currently developing in the industry.

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