R. Jain, "Recent Trends in Networking Including ATM and Its Traffic Management,"IX International Computer Science Expo-Simposium on Global Interconnection Technologies, Mayab University, Merida, Mexico, April 3, 1998.

The productivity of a person, a corporation, and a country depends upon the speed with which information can be communicated. Rapid communication of information through computer networks has changed our way of living significantly and has increased the pace of life. Distance between research and productization has narrowed significantly. This calls for a close collaboration between researchers and industry.

ATM Networks borrow the best of phone networks and data networks. The key features of ATM networks that differentiate them from today's data networks (Internet) and phone networks will be pointed out.

The requirement to support data, voice and video traffic at high speed requires new methods for traffic management. These methods and the current issues will be presented.

The talk is designed for computer professionals who are not necessarily networking experts. Everyone is welcome.

Presentation slides in Adobe Acrobat 3.0 Format (502,122 bytes, 1 slide/page)

See also:
Frame Relay
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