Raj Jain, Shiv Kalyanaraman, Ram Viswanathan, "The OSU Scheme for Congestion Avoidance in ATM networks Using Explicit Rate Indication," Ohio State University Technical Report No. OSU-CISRC-1/96-TR02, January 1996, 76 pp.


An explicit rate indication scheme for congestion avoidance in computer and telecommunication networks is proposed. The sources monitor their load and provide the information periodically to the switches. The switches, in turn, compute the load level and ask the sources to adjust their rates up or down. The scheme achieves high link utilization, fair allocation of rates among contending sources and provides quick convergence. A backward congestion notification option is also provided. The conditions under which this option is useful are indicated.

Complete Report in Adobe Acrobat (229,474 Bytes)

This is an extended 76 page version of the 6 page paper with the same title published in the First Workshop on ATM Traffic Management (WATM'95), Paris, December 1995.

Another extended 20-page version of the paper was also published as a chapter in a book published by Chapman and Hall

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