Jianli Pan, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, and Chakchai So-in, "MILSA: A New Evolutionary Architecture for Scalability, Mobility, and Multihoming in the Future Internet," Journal of Special Areas in Communications, Vol. 28, No 8, October 2010, pp. 1344-1362, ISSN: 0733-8716, INSPEC:11556761, DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2010.101012.


Many challenges to the Internet including global routing scalability have drawn significant attention from both industry and academia, and have generated several new ideas for the next generation. MILSA (Mobility and Multihoming supporting Identifier Locator Split Architecture) [1] and related enhancements [2, 3] are designed to address the naming, addressing, and routing scalability challenges, provide mobility and multihoming support, and easy transition from the current Internet. In this paper, we synthesize our research into a multiple-tier realm-based framework and present the fundamental principles behind the architecture. Through detailed presentation of these principles and different aspects of our architecture, the underlying design rationale is justified. We also discuss how our proposal can meet the IRTF RRG design goals [4]. As an evolutionary architecture, MILSA balances the high-level long-run architecture design with ease of transition considerations. Additionally, detailed evaluation of the current inter-domain routing system and the achievable improvements deploying our architecture is presented that reveals the roots of the current difficulties and helps to shape our deployment strategy.

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