Deval Bhamare, Mohammed Samaka, Aiman Erbad, Raj Jain, Lav Gupta, H. Anthony Chan, "Multi-Objective Scheduling of Micro-Services for Optimal Service Function Chains," International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), May 21-25, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2017.7996729


Lately application service providers (ASPs) and Internet service providers (ISPs) are being confronted with the unprecedented challenge of accommodating increasing service and traffic demands from their geographically distributed users. Many ASPs and ISPs, such as Facebook, AT&T and others have adopted micro-service architecture to tackle this problem. Instead of building a single, monolithic application, the idea is to split the application into a set of smaller, interconnected services, called micro-services (or simply services). Such services are lightweight and perform distinct tasks independent of each other. Hence, they can be deployed quickly and independently as user demands vary. Nevertheless, scheduling of micro-services is a complex task and is currently under-researched. In this work, we address the problem of scheduling micro-services across multiple clouds, including micro-clouds. We consider different user-level SLAs, such as latency and cost, while scheduling such services. Our aim is to reduce overall turnaround time for the complete end-to-end service in service function chains and reduce the total traffic generated. In this work we present a novel fair weighted affinity-based scheduling heuristic to solve this problem. We also compare the results of proposed solution with standard biased greedy scheduling algorithms presented in the literature and observe significant improvements.

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