***************************************************************** ATM Forum/98-0411 ***************************************************************** Title: Proposed text for Performance Testing Terminology ***************************************************************** Abstract: This contribution provides the text for Performance Testing Terminology. ***************************************************************** Source: Arian Durresi, Gojko Babic, Raj Jain The Ohio State University Department of CIS Columbus, OH 43210-1277 Phone: 614-292-3989, Fax: 614-292-2911, Email: Jain@ACM.Org The presentation of this contribution at the ATM Forum is sponsored by NASA. ***************************************************************** Date: Portland, July 26-31, 1998 ***************************************************************** Distribution: ATM Forum Technical Working Group Members (AF-TEST, AF-TM) ***************************************************************** Notice: This contribution has been prepared to assist the ATM Forum. It is offered to the Forum as a basis for discussion and is not a binding proposal on the part of any of the contributing organizations. The statements are subject to change in form and content after further study. Specifically, the contributors reserve the right to add to, amend or modify the statements contained herein. ***************************************************************** In the March ‘98 interim meeting of ATM Forum TEST and TM working at Columbus, Ohio, it was decided to generate a terminology section for performance testing. The purpose of this contribution is to provide the terminology section for the current baseline draft [1]. Motion: Replace Section 1.4 of the current baseline draft [1] by the remaining text of this contribution ATM Interface - ATM physical interface where the ATM traffic enters and/or leaves the switch. ATM connection - An ATM connection consists of the concatenation of ATM layer links in order to provide an end-to-end transfer capability to access point [from I.150]. ATM Analyzer - ATM measuring equipment used to measure the characteristics of traffic received from SUT ATM Generator - ATM measuring equipment used to produce traffic with specified characteristics Background Traffic - Traffic made up of cells whose purpose is to load the SUT at an appropriate level but the performance of these cells is not of primary interest. Background connection - An ATM connection that carries background traffic. Connection Load - Precisely defined specification of a pattern of ATM cells and gaps between them over a single connection; When cells are parts of frames, a connection load may be defined in term frame pattern and inter-frame gaps distribution. Foreground Traffic - Traffic made up of cells or frames whose performance is being measured. Foreground connection - An ATM connection that carries foreground traffic Frame - A sequence of cells produced by AAL SAR (Segmentation and Reassembly) sublayer as result of segmentation of one SDU from AAL Convergence sublayer Frame Pattern - Precisely defined pattern of cells and intra- frame gaps, inter-frame gaps, and frame sizes. A frame pattern can be defined statistically in terms of distributions of frame sizes, inter- frame gaps, and intra-frame gaps. Frame Size - Number of cells in a frame. Input ATM Interface Rate - Maximum nominal rate in cells/second at which the cells can be received at the interface. Inter-frame Gap - time between transmission of the last bit of the last cell one frame and transmission of the first bit of the first cell of the next frame. Interface Load - Set of Connection Loads applied to an Input ATM Interface. Intra-frame Gap - Time between transmission of the last bit of one cell and transmission of the first bit of the next cell of the same frame. Loopback - An external connection that connects the output and input of the same ATM interface. Measurement point - See I.353. Metric - A quantitative measure of the goodness of overall service offered by a SUT, for example, throughput, throughput fairness. Monitor - same as ATM measuring equipment. Network module - A group of switch ATM interfaces that physically reside on a single card. Output ATM Interface Rate - Maximum nominal rate in cells/second at which the cells can be transmitted from the interface. Parameter - A quantitative measure of the goodness of services received by a connection, for example, cell transfer delay, cell delay variation. Port - same as ATM Interface. Reference Load - Set of Interface Loads applied to SUT. Scalable configuration - Configuration that permits to load the SUT using a minimal number of ATM monitors. Switch Fabric - The switch component whose main function is to transfer cells among various interfaces of the switch. System Under Test (SUT) - Any collection of ATM equipment that is being tested. It could be a single switch or a network of ATM switches. Traffic Load - Connection Load, Interface Load or Reference Load Wire - The physical medium used for external connections of the SUT's ATM interfaces. The medium could be copper cables, optical fibers, or wireless links. References: 1. ATM Forum/BTD-TEST-TM-PERF.00.07 (Draft)