***************************************************************** ATM Forum Document Number: ATM_Forum/97-0608 ***************************************************************** Title: Performance of VBR Voice over ATM: Effect of Scheduling and Drop Policies ***************************************************************** Abstract: Voice in its inherent nature is variable. It is natural to use the VBR class for voice, and transmit voice in its bursty form. On an average, human voice has an speech activity factor of about 42%. This allows us to multiplex a lot of voice sources together. We study the degradation in voice quality under various scheduling policies for VBR voice. Our simulations showed that it is desirable to keep the total VBR-voice load to about 50% of the total link capacity, in order to maintain good quality voice. The remaining link capacity could then be filled up by data. ****************************************************************** Source: Jayaraman Iyer, Raj Jain, Sohail Munir Department of CIS, The Ohio State University (and NASA) 395 Dreese lab, 2015 Neil Ave, Columbus, OH 43210-1277 Phone: 614-292-3989, Fax: 614-292-2911, Email:{jiyer,jain}@cse.wustl.edu Sudhir Dixit Nokia Research Center 3 Burlington Woods Dr., Suite 250 Burlington, MA 01803 Phone: 617-238-4915, Email: sudhir.dixit@research.nokia.com ******************************************************************* Date: July 1997 ******************************************************************* Distribution: ATM Forum Technical Working Group Members (AF-TM, AF-VTOA) ******************************************************************* Notice: This contribution has been prepared to assist the ATM Forum. It is offered to the Forum as a basis for discussion and is not a binding proposal on the part of any of the contributing organizations. The statements are subject to change in form and content after further study. Specifically, the contributors reserve the right to add to, amend or modify the statements contained herein. ******************************************************************** A postscript version of this contribution including all figures and tables has been uploaded to the ATM forum ftp server in the incoming directory. It may be moved from there to the atm97 directory. The postscript version is also available on our web page as: http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~jain/atmf/a97-0608.htm *********************************************************************** 1 Introduction: ---------------- ATM has the capability to transport both voice and data. However, the characteristics of both these are very different. Voice is sensitive to end-to-end delay as well as delay variation, and less sensitive to cell loss. Data, on the other hand is not sensitive to delay and delay variation, but cannot tolerate cell loss. Voice places real-time constraints on the network to guarantee tight delay bounds. It is of course easy to find a solution to support voice using the CBR class. However, this solution does not take into account the characteristics of voice such as low speech activity and hence does not utilize the bandwidth effectively. Voice has an average activity factor of about 42%. This means that if we do not use silence suppression, we would be wasting 58% of the link. We could statistically multiplex multiple voice sources and thereby utilize the available bandwidth effectively. At the same time, we need to fulfill certain guarantees to maintain good voice quality. In this contribution, we explore the possibility of transmitting voice with strict delay bounds as multiplexed VBR traffic. 2 Delay characteristics of voice ------------------------------------ Voice is highly sensitive to delay, and mildly sensitive to delay variations. In this section we look at required quality of service parameters to support voice. 2.1 Effect of end-to-end delay. -------------------------------- Studies have been conducted to observe the effect of large end to end delay as well as the variation in delay. For applications including support of interactive voice communication, delay can have two effects on connection performance. In the absence of noticeable echo, delay can interfere with the dynamics of voice communication. In the presence of noticeable echo, increasing delay makes echo effects worse. At a certain amount of delay, echo cancelers are required to control the echo. Quality ratings for mean delays of about 165 ms and a variation of 35 ms has been poor. ITU-T Recommendation G.114 recommends the following general limits for one-way transmission time for connections with adequate echo control. 0 to 150 ms, acceptable to most user applications. 150 to 400 ms, acceptable under awareness of impact on quality Above 400 ms, unacceptable [ITU-G.114] also states that some highly interactive tasks may suffer degradation even at delays of the order of 100 ms. The end-to-end delay in an ATM network consists of two components: queuing delay and re-assembly delay. Queuing delay is caused by the presence of other traffic in the switches. Proper scheduling policies and drop policies are required in the switches to minimize this delay. The re-assembly delay is caused by the need to fill the ATM cell. At 64 kbps, it takes about 6 ms to fill up the entire payload of an ATM cell. The re-assembly delay increases with higher compression rates. With multiple voice channels multiplexed into a single ATM cell, the time is smaller. One can divide the end-to-end path into three: access loop between the source and the (virtual)PBX, the loop between the source PBX and the destination PBXs, and the loop between the destination PBX and the destination. The end loops carry one conversation per VC and use partially filled cells. The middle loop carries multiple conversations and has fully filled cells. Since the bandwidth is easily and cheaply available in the access loops, loosing bandwidth in partially filled cells might not be a serious concern. This contribution focuses on the queuing delay segment arising out of interaction between the traffic in the switches. 2.2 Cell Loss ------------- Voice can tolerate a small amount of isolated cell discarding. If there is correlation (bursty loss) either due to compression or otherwise between the dropped voice cells, then reconstruction of voice at the destination suffers a degradation in quality. Using a two-priority coding scheme can reduce the correlation between successive voice cells as well as reduce the degradation suffered [Sriram91]. The two-priority coding scheme, consists of sending voice as two-cell pairs, the first one a high priority cell and the second a low-priority one. The low priority cell has the CLP bit set. During congestion, the network can choose to drop the low-priority cell. The effect of cell loss depends on the number of voice calls multiplexed on a single ATM virtual circuit. A single cell on a VC carrying 64 kbps without any compression will lose about 6 ms of voice. The Cell Loss Ratio's for CLP=1 and CLP=0 are different. In our simulations, we assume that a scheme exists that can set the CLP bit on cells, thereby reducing the correlation between subsequent cells. Telephony voice can handle a higher cell loss ratio of the order of 10-3 [Onvural95]. If a two-priority scheme is used as outlined in [Sriram91], losses of up to 10% could be acceptable. 2.3 Delay Variation and Delay Equalization -------------------------------------------- Voice is an isochronous application [RFC1257]. The end-user is sensitive to variations in inter-arrival times. The ATM cells incur variable queuing delays as they traverse through the network. This variation in the arrival times is caused by the queuing delay, the delay in the switching fabric, and the propagation delay. From an application viewpoint, there is the need to ensure a synchronous playout. The is typically achieved by buffering the cells for enough time so that the variation in inter-arrival times is kept to a minimum. This additional artificial delay until playout can either be fixed or can vary adaptively during a call's lifetime. In order that there is no buffer underflow, each cell has a scheduled arrival time. The cells that arrived later than the scheduled arrival time cause buffer underflow and are considered lost. The buffer functions as a mechanism to smooth out the variation in the network delays. For very high quality voice (256 kbps MPEG), an upper bound on the cell delay variation of 9 ms, while for low bit rate (16 kbps) voice a variation of 130 ms may be acceptable [Onvural95]. Given an upper bound on the delay variation, and the propagation delay, the buffer delay necessary for adaptive playout can be estimated. [Ramjee94, ITU-G.764A]. The buffer size for the delay equalization increases in order to accommodate higher delays in the network. 3. Models for Voice Traffic ----------------------------- It has been determined that both talkspurt and silence periods of digitized voice are exponentially distributed. [Brady69]. Therefore, a commonly accepted model for a speaker is a continuous time, discrete state Markov chain with two states. The two states essentially correspond to the speech and silence periods. The holding time in each state is assumed to be exponentially distributed. The commonly accepted values for holding time in the silent state is 650 ms and that in the speech state is 352 ms. These values depend on the sensitivity of the silence detectors [ Deng95, Gruber81]. The two state model has some known limitations. In particular, the simple two-state model does not model a two-way conversation, since two-way conversations cannot be modeled by merely superimposing multiple single source speech generators. Events like interruptions and double talking are possible in two-way conversations. Such events will affect any model that tries to approximate speech patterns [Vickers94]. Some researchers have proposed a four-state Markov Model to describe the behavior of such a system. The four states represent who is doing the talking; no one, one person, the other person, or both. This is only a crude approximation since such a Markov model has exponential distribution for each state, which may not be realistic. A better model is to add two more states making a total of six states [Brady69]. Mutual silence and double-talk states are split into two states, with the identity of the last lone speaker differentiating them. The exponential distribution holds good only for digitized voice and not for packetized voice [Deng95]. For a large number of voice sources, the generated traffic inter-arrival times approach that of a Poisson process[Vickers94]. We chose the two-state Markovian model with mean speech and silence times 352 ms and 650 ms [Brady69]. 4. The Network Model --------------------- The "N VBR Source" configuration shown in Figure 1 has two ATM switches connected by "LINK1". "LINK1" multiplexes all the voice sources (N) onto the single link and then sent to the respective destination. Each voice source is a 64 kbps source following the two-state Markov model. The mean on-times and off-times are 352 ms and 650 ms. The end-to-end distance between the source and the destination is kept at 4800 km (coast-to-coast distance in the United States). "LINK1" operates at 1.544 Mbps. This was chosen so that the values match the current telephone network scenario. -------- -------- | Src 1 |\ /| Dest 1 | | | \ / | | -------- \ -------- LINK1 -------- / -------- . ----| Sw1 |-------| Sw2 |------- . . ---| | | |------- . . / / -------- -------- \ . / / \ \ -------- / / \ \-------- | Src N-1|/ / \ | Dest N-1| | | / \ | | -------- / \ -------- --------/ \ -------- | Src N | -- |Dest N | | | | | -------- -------- Figure 1: The "N VBR Source" Configuration -------------------------------------------- At each switch, we assume per-VC queuing at the output port, and supporting multiple classes of service. End-to-end-propagation delay: 25 ms Packetization/depacketization delays: 6 ms + 6 ms (for plain PCM) We noted in section 2.1 that we require to guarantee an end-to-end delay of about 100 ms (with echo-cancelers) for interactive tasks. Allowing for about 5 switches on an average, the delay variations that can be introduced by a switch will be (100 - 25 - 6 - 6)/5 or about 12.6 ms. In order to support other applications with more stringent delay requirements, we also consider the support of a delay variation bound of 5 ms per switch. In order that we support high-quality voice, we fixed the upper bound on the end-to-end delay variations to be 5 ms and 15 ms. Hence we defined two kinds of high-quality voice traffic based on the delay bounds i) that which can tolerate an end-to-end delay of 40 ms, and ii) that which can tolerate an end-to-end delay of 30 ms. Note that these figures do not take into account the packetization delays at the source or the destination, as well as the additional delay incurred due to compression. 5. QoS Metrics for voice -------------------------- In order to study the effect of voice, we need to define certain metrics that give us a quantitative measure of the voice traffic quality. Voice is extremely sensitive to delay. Usually, medium delays would require echo cancelers, and long delays would be unsuitable for most purposes. The delay usually depends on the delay at the intermediate nodes in addition to the propagation delay of the network. o The mean cell transfer delay (CTD) gives us a measure of the end- to-end delay incurred in an ATM network. CTD is a function of the propagation delay, the queuing delay and the switching delay. o The peak-to-peak cell delay variation (p-p CDV) is another important QoS parameter. The CDV is a function of the number of multiplexed connections, the type of the multiplexed connections through the switches, and the switching variability. CDV varies with the mixture of the traffic. However, as cited above, CDV is not a major concern for voice. ATM networks typically have a low cell-delay variation, and this can be taken care of by a playout buffer at the receiver. It may not be always possible to delay cells to compensate for the maximum network delay, in which case it is preferable to drop cells delayed more than an acceptable value rather than attempting to handle the CDV. o Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) is defined as the number of cells lost divided by the total number of transmitted cells. To guarantee high quality voice, it is desirable to keep the cell loss ratio to a minimum. 5.1 Overall Quality of Voice ------------------------------ Voice quality is a function of the the cell-loss and the transfer delays. Voice can tolerate a low cell-loss-ratio. At 64 kbps, a cell loss amounts to a loss of about 6 ms of voice content. The cell loss varies with the amount of buffer available at the switches. However, adding more buffer and thereby reducing the cell loss ratio does not necessarily improve the overall voice quality. The end-to-end delay requirements and the end-to-end delay variation requirements also need to be satisfied. At the receiving end, not all cells that are received are useful. The useful cells are only the ones that arrive within a specified time. The cells arriving later will be discarded. We define degradation in voice quality (DVQ) as a function of these two parameters. DVQ = (number of cells lost + number of cells above the delay threshold) / total cells sent We define useful cell ratio as (1 - DVQ). The assumption here is that the cell loss (or the delayed cells) is going to be distributed uniformly during the duration of the call. The impact of having two consecutive cell losses every 2 t msec, is going to have a more significant impact than a cell loss every t msec. We studied DVQ, and CLR under various scheduling and cell- dropping schemes. We also compared the fairness of each scheduling technique. If n users contend for a shared resource and ith user obtains a performance of Xi, the fairness index [Jain91] for this resource allocation is defined as (sum total of Xi s)*(sum total of Xis) ------------------------------------- n * (sum of Xi*Xi) In our simulation, we evaluated 64 kbps (voice under no compression). We can easily extend the results for compressed voice. The delay threshold bounds will change, and the Degradation in Voice Quality (DVQ) can be defined with a multiplicative factor based on the compression ratio. 6. Scheduling Policies ----------------------- Scheduling Policies play a very important role towards guaranteeing fairness in user level voice quality. As defined earlier, the primary metric for evaluating the scheduling policies is by looking at the fraction of good cells sent across. The number of cells discarded is the sum of the cells making it to the destination after the deadline has expired or if dropped by the switches due to a lack of buffers. For the purpose of this simulation, we are not evaluating other important performance measures such as the bandwidth overhead or computational cost. These considerations should also enter into evaluating the merits of the candidate policies. We studied the following scheduling policies. i) Earliest Deadline First (EDF): Each cell has a deadline when it enters its VC-Queue. The cell with the earliest deadline from the head of all the VC Queues is chosen to be sent out on the output link. ii) Longest Queue First (LQF): The longest queue is chosen, in order to prevent growing of the queues. The cell at the head of that queue is sent out on the output link. iii) Round Robin (RR): The queues are chosen in a round-robin fashion. We assumed a class-based priority scheduling policy. This is required for real-time traffic such as voice to be prioritized over data. Class-based scheduling is required also to isolate the interference from other lower priority traffic classes. Since we already have a priority class scheduler, we do not consider any priority-based scheduling scheme. Since we have symmetric voice sources over ATM, and each source transmits only cells of equal size at 64 kbps, we did not consider any weighted fair schemes. 7. Drop policies ----------------- In addition to the scheduling policies, we studied the following drop policies. i) Tail-drop: This is the simple FIFO drop. The cells are dropped if there is no buffer to add them in. ii) Selective discard: In this scheme, we use per-VC accounting to maintain buffer utilization of each active VC in the switch. When the buffer occupancy exceeds a preset threshold, further cells from that VC are dropped, thereby ensuring fairness in buffer usage. We do not consider the push-out selective discard scheme, since it is very costly for implementation, and buffer-threshold scheme gives the same results if the threshold values are appropriately chosen. 8. Simulation results. ----------------------- In this set of simulations, we varied the number of voice sources from 20 to 75, and studied CLR, DVQ(with a threshold of 40 ms and 30 ms), as well as the Fairness corresponding to each threshold. The switches supported a per VC queue of size 2. We studied the effect of 3 scheduling policies using per VC queuing - Round Robin (RR), Longest Queue First (LQF) and Earliest Deadline First (EDF). We also studied the effect of drop policies using a common buffer for Tail Drop and Selective Discard. NS Offered Load (%) Multiplexing gain ---------------------------------------------- 20 29.26 0.83 24 35.12 1.00 30 43.90 1.25 35 51.21 1.45 40 58.53 1.66 48 70.24 2.00 55 80.48 2.29 60 87.80 2.50 65 95.11 2.70 70 102.43 2.91 75 109.75 3.12 Table 1: Offered Load and the multiplexing gain got -------- Table 1 shows the offered load with increasing number of sources, and the utilization gain that we get over the simple CBR case with a 64 kbps VC. The offered load is in terms of the total link capacity. In our simulations the link capacity between the switches is 1.544 Mbps. We calculate the multiplexing gain as the ratio of the number of voice sources to the number of 64 kbps voice channels that could be supported (equal to 24 in our case). Note that this gain is the gain only for the voice usage. NS: Number of Sources Q: Per-VC Queue Length S: Scheduling Policy rr: Round Robin lqf: Longest Queue First edf: Earliest Deadline First CLR: Cell Loss Ratio(%) DVQ40: Degradation in Voice Quality (with threshold 40 ms) DVQ30: Degradation in Voice Quality (with threshold 30 ms) F40: Fairness Index using DVQ40 F30: Fairness Index using DVQ30 NS Q S CLR DVQ40 DVQ30 F40 F30 ------------------------------------------------------- 20 2 rr 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 20 2 lqf 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 20 2 edf 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 24 2 rr 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 1.0000 1.0000 24 2 lqf 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 1.0000 1.0000 24 2 edf 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 1.0000 1.0000 30 2 rr 0.0616 0.0006 0.0121 1.0000 1.0000 30 2 lqf 0.0488 0.0010 0.0123 1.0000 1.0000 30 2 edf 0.0616 0.0006 0.0121 1.0000 1.0000 35 2 rr 0.1964 0.0031 0.0165 1.0000 0.9999 35 2 lqf 0.1764 0.0025 0.0175 1.0000 0.9999 35 2 edf 0.1964 0.0031 0.0164 1.0000 0.9999 40 2 rr 0.3865 0.0074 0.0187 1.0000 0.9999 40 2 lqf 0.3579 0.0047 0.0201 1.0000 0.9999 40 2 edf 0.3865 0.0073 0.0190 1.0000 0.9999 48 2 rr 0.6423 0.0132 0.0429 1.0000 0.9996 48 2 lqf 0.6161 0.0078 0.0469 0.9999 0.9994 48 2 edf 0.6371 0.0130 0.0445 1.0000 0.9997 60 2 rr 2.5959 0.0384 0.2717 0.9999 0.9947 60 2 lqf 2.4932 0.0354 0.3147 0.9971 0.9855 60 2 edf 2.5353 0.0357 0.2945 0.9999 0.9951 65 2 rr 4.9184 0.0693 0.4232 0.9997 0.9880 65 2 lqf 4.6462 0.0636 0.4763 0.9899 0.9744 65 2 edf 4.8210 0.0648 0.4529 0.9998 0.9874 70 2 rr 8.2518 0.1235 0.6040 0.9994 0.9772 70 2 lqf 7.9017 0.1027 0.6781 0.9732 0.9366 70 2 edf 8.1647 0.1075 0.6420 0.9996 0.9731 75 2 rr 12.7650 0.2079 0.7651 0.9987 0.9552 75 2 lqf 12.4222 0.1546 0.8380 0.9363 0.8477 75 2 edf 12.7535 0.1882 0.8085 0.9990 0.9405 Table 2: Scheduling schemes with a per VC Queue of length 2. ------- Table 2 shows the comparison of various scheduling schemes for the voice sources varying from 20 to 75. Referring to Table 2, Column 2 shows the Cell Loss Ratio. We find that the CLR increases with the increase in the number of voice sources. The Cell Loss Ratio increases sharply after 40 sources. 40 sources gives a CLR of 0.35%. A higher CLR might be unacceptable for good quality voice. At higher loads such as 60 sources and above, the Cell Loss Ratio is very high. Column 3 and 4 show the Degradation in Voice Quality (DVQ) corresponding to thresholds of 40 ms and 30 ms. We find that at the load (number of voice sources) equal to the link capacity, DVQ(40 ms) and DVQ(30 ms) are very high. DVQ(40 ms) increases beyond 8% and DVQ(30 ms) reaches very high values such as 50% and above. Both values are practically not acceptable. If we allow 35 sources, we can fill up the bandwidth with 50% voice and still get a multiplexing gain of 1.45 (from Table 1).If we load the link with VBR voice of upto 50%, then we can give upper bound guarantees for supporting good quality voice, such as a low CLR and a low DVQ value. The remaining bandwidth could then be filled with data. Looking at the scheduling policies, we find that for a 40 ms network delay threshold, Longest Queue First (LQF) performs better than Round-robin or Earliest Deadline First (EDF), giving a low DVQ value. However, for a 30 ms network delay threshold, Round Robin is better. In other words, LQF gives a higher average delay than RR, but given a higher threshold a smaller percentage of cells exceed that. This shows that the quality of voice depends not only on the average delay, but also on the delay distribution. Table 3 shows the scheduling schemes with a max. per VC Queue of size 1. With a per VC queue of size 1, there is less buffering at the switches. NS Q S CLR DVQ-40 DVQ-30 F40 F30 ------------------------------------------------------ 20 1 rr 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 20 1 lqf 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 20 1 edf 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 24 1 rr 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 1.0000 1.0000 24 1 lqf 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 1.0000 1.0000 24 1 edf 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 1.0000 1.0000 30 1 rr 0.1126 0.0011 0.0037 1.0000 1.0000 30 1 lqf 0.1126 0.0013 0.0026 1.0000 1.0000 30 1 edf 0.1126 0.0011 0.0037 1.0000 1.0000 35 1 rr 0.2400 0.0024 0.0063 1.0000 1.0000 35 1 lqf 0.2418 0.0027 0.0040 1.0000 1.0000 35 1 edf 0.2400 0.0024 0.0063 1.0000 1.0000 40 1 rr 0.4183 0.0042 0.0102 1.0000 1.0000 40 1 lqf 0.4215 0.0045 0.0060 1.0000 0.9999 40 1 edf 0.4183 0.0042 0.0101 1.0000 0.9999 48 1 rr 0.7446 0.0074 0.0180 1.0000 0.9999 48 1 lqf 0.7983 0.0086 0.0105 0.9998 0.9998 48 1 edf 0.7223 0.0072 0.0191 1.0000 0.9999 60 1 rr 3.1103 0.0312 0.0844 1.0000 0.9997 60 1 lqf 3.4605 0.0377 0.0437 0.9949 0.9939 60 1 edf 3.0035 0.0301 0.0917 0.9999 0.9993 65 1 rr 5.3873 0.0544 0.1441 0.9999 0.9991 65 1 lqf 5.7416 0.0620 0.0703 0.9861 0.9837 65 1 edf 5.2737 0.0533 0.1550 0.9999 0.9990 70 1 rr 8.7110 0.0880 0.2268 0.9998 0.9986 70 1 lqf 9.0092 0.0962 0.1059 0.9686 0.9639 70 1 edf 8.6151 0.0870 0.2471 0.9998 0.9980 75 1 rr 13.1494 0.1329 0.3266 0.9998 0.9983 75 1 lqf 13.4008 0.1419 0.1535 0.9336 0.9257 75 1 edf 13.0457 0.1319 0.3466 0.9997 0.9977 Table 3: Scheduling schemes with a per VC Queue of length 1 Comparing the simulation results for per-VC queues of length 1 and length 2, we note that the CLR values are higher for a per-VC queue of size 1 since we now have one cell-buffer less for each VC. However, the percentage of delayed cells reduce a lot. DVQ(40 ms) values are approximately the same as with a per-VC queue of length 2, but the DVQ(30 ms) for a per VC Queue of length 1 are lower than those of a VC queue of length 2. A per VC Queue length of 1 gives a lower DVQ value for a threshold of 30 ms, than with a per VC Queue length of 2. This means that it may not be always possible to account for the delay variations arising out of the network with buffers at the receiving end. It is better to have smaller queues at the switches in order to guarantee strict delay requirements. Since the delayed cells are going to be dropped, it is better to drop them right at the switches. This could also avoid some congestion occurring at the switches. NS Drop CLR(%) DVQ40 DVQ30 F40 F30 --------------------------------------------- 20 tail 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 20 sel 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 24 tail 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 1.0000 1.0000 24 sel 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 1.0000 1.0000 30 tail 0.0361 0.0011 0.0134 1.0000 1.0000 30 sel 0.0361 0.0011 0.0134 1.0000 1.0000 35 tail 0.1746 0.0027 0.0185 1.0000 0.9999 35 sel 0.1746 0.0027 0.0185 1.0000 0.9999 40 tail 0.3611 0.0049 0.0205 1.0000 0.9999 40 sel 0.3611 0.0049 0.0205 1.0000 0.9999 48 tail 0.5938 0.0075 0.0475 1.0000 0.9996 48 sel 0.5938 0.0075 0.0475 1.0000 0.9996 60 tail 2.3042 0.0772 0.3218 0.9990 0.9927 60 sel 2.3042 0.0772 0.3218 0.9990 0.9927 65 tail 4.4562 0.1901 0.4870 0.9971 0.9812 65 sel 4.6682 0.0484 0.4684 0.9998 0.9819 70 tail 7.8797 0.3257 0.6827 0.9861 0.9251 70 sel 8.0486 0.0826 0.6554 0.9994 0.9397 75 tail 12.4850 0.4631 0.8525 0.9636 0.0869 75 sel 12.6091 0.1315 0.8302 0.9991 0.3541 Table 4: Comparison of Drop Policies : Buffer Size: 60, Threshold=80% ------- A comparison of using a Selective Drop Scheme with a plain Tail-end drop with a common buffer is shown in Table 4. For the Selective Drop scheme, we used a buffer-threshold of 80%, and a total buffer size of 60. We find that the figures for both schemes are identical for low loads, or in other words selective drop does not make any impact up to 60% load with 80% threshold and a queue length of 60. But at higher loads, selective drop performs better over the plain tail drop. Since the Cell Loss Ratio increases to unacceptable limits with higher loads (higher than 50%) we are not concerned with operating the network at high loads with only voice. The fairness values for selective discard are identical for low loads, and at very high loads, selective discard performs better. However, as noted earlier, operating at that region is not desirable. Summary ------- We studied characteristics of VBR voice by varying the number of voice sources. Scheduling does play an important role in determining the quality as well as fairness. However, in order to support high- quality voice as well as data on the same link, it is necessary to have prioritized service classes, and voice could occupy up to 50% of the link bandwidth. The remaining could be filled by data using ABR or UBR services. The voice quality also depends on the thresholds required by the specific applications as well as the delay distributions. At low loads, the scheduling schemes or the drop policies have comparable fairness and promise similar DVQ values. At high loads, round robin gives a better fairness. However, operating the network at high loads gives larger values of CLR and DVQ. It is better to keep the queues at the switches smaller in order to give strict delay guarantees. This helps also in avoiding congestion in the network. References ----------- [Brady68] Brady, P.T., "A Statistical Analysis of ON-OFF Patterns in 16 Conversations", The Bell System Technical Journal, Jan 1968,pp 73-91. 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