************************************************************************ ATM Forum Document Number: ATM Forum/95-0973 ************************************************************************ Title: Out-of-Rate RM Cell Issues and Inconsistencies in the End System Behavior and Pseudocode ************************************************************************ Abstract: The out-of-rate RM cells are mandatory in the end systems to handle the case of ACR = 0. Also several inconsistencies among the TM text, source behaviour, and pseudo code are pointed out. ************************************************************************ Source: Raj Jain, Shiv Kalyanaraman, Sonia Fahmy and Fang Lu The Ohio State University Department of CIS Columbus, OH 43210-1277 Phone: 614-292-3989, Fax: 614-292-2911, Email: Jain@ACM.Org The presentation of this contribution at the ATM Forum is sponsored by NIST. ************************************************************************ Date: August 6-11th, 1995 ************************************************************************ Distribution: ATM Forum Technical Working Group Members (Traffic Management) ************************************************************************ Notice: This contribution has been prepared to assist the ATM Forum. It is offered to the Forum as a basis for discussion and is not a binding proposal on the part of any of the contributing organizations. The statements are subject to change in form and content after further study. Specifically, the contributors reserve the right to add to, amend or modify the statements contained herein. ************************************************************************ Any switch algorithm will work only if the feedback it generates reaches the sources. The network may set the ACR of ABR sources to MCR (which may be zero) if VBR sources occupy the available bandwidth. In this situation, no RM cells are sent in-rate in the forward or in the the reverse direction. The only way to get out of this situation is for the sources to send out-of-rate (OOR) RM cells. Although the TM document describes this use of OOR RM cells, it is a general belief that OOR RM cells are optional, which they are not since there is no other mechanism to get out of this state. Trm is ineffective for ACR=0. It only applies for low non-zero ACR. If OOR cells are mandatory, then there are multiple possibilities for sending them at 10 cells per second per VC (controlled by the TCR parameter). It is not clear whether these RM cells have to be equally spaced and if not how is this rate measured. For example, is "100 RM cells every 10 second" a complient behavior? At one point the TM document also states that the minimum ACR is 1 cell per second but this point is not included in the source behavior. Even if it was stated, one cell per second would be too slow for most situations where transient VBR overload can frequently cause ABR to be zero (or close to zero). In addition, we have observed the following inconsistencies between the TM document text and the pseudo code: 1) The OOR Backward RM (BRM) cells are not controlled to 10 cells/s (tcr). 2) When ACR < TCR, no data or in-rate BRM cells are allowed. Only OOR FRMs are continuously sent. 3) ACR is not reset to ICR after idle periods (data-in-queue = 0). The source behavior section does not say anything about idle periods but there are statements elsewhere to this effect. 4) SES rule 3a) should read : The next in-rate cell shall be a forward RM-cell if and only if, since the last in-rate forward RM-cell was sent i) either at least Mrm in-rate cells have been sent and at least Trm seconds have elapsed OR ii) Nrm - 1 in-rate cells have been sent. We present alternatives and simulation results in our presentation.