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Judging Criteria

  1. Technical Feasibility
  2. Economic Feasibility
  3. Regulatory Feasibility
  4. Contribution to human health and quality of life
  5. Technological innovation
  6. Potential for commercialization



  • Health-related technology
  • Invented by undergraduate students
  • Addresses a real clinical need


Undergraduates in BME

Application Steps

Website: BMEStart

Explain how we solved a clinical problem with a novel solution, addressed intellectually property, and show market potential.


  1. Abstract: 250 Words
  2. Proposal Narrative: describes scope of the project in narrative form (<= 5 pages)
  3. No more than 10 appendicies
  • Include:
    • Budget
    • Resumes
    • IP policies
    • Letters of support
    • Can include drawings/video