Fanuc How Tos, FAQ, etc.

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  • Run Program
    • Turn on FANUC
    • Turn the key to Auto mode on Robot
    • Move the switch on the Teaching Pendant (TP) to OFF.
    • Press Select on the TP and scroll down to the appropriate communication program. (LABVIEW_COM, LV_COM_FRM, etc.)
    • Press Enter
    • Hit Reset to clear any Faults (Red LED on)
    • Hit the green Start button on the Fanuc controller. Light should turn on Green. If it doesn't, then check for errors. Robot will move to it's HOME position.
    • Press FCTN -> Abort All to stop program - Green light should turn off
    • Arrow up to line 1 of LV_COM_FRM and hit the Green button on the Robot to restart
  • View Alarm Screen - if you can't clear an error you will want to do this to see what the real problem is
    • Menu -> Alarms -> Alarm Log
  • Use Teaching Pendant
    • Keyed control knob in T1 position
    • Teaching Pendant in ON position
    • Press Deadman switch in half way to do anything
    • Move robot with Teaching Pendant
      • Press Coord until Joint Frame is selected
      • Press Shift and any of the blue motion buttons to move the 6 joints
      • Press +%/-% to adjust the speed
    • Open and Close Gripper
      • Menu -> I/O -> Robot. Press Enter.
      • Arrow down to Gripper
        • F4 (On) Opens
        • F5 (Off) Closes
    • Clear Errors on Teaching Pendant
      • Push Deadman switch in halfway
      • Hold Shift and push Reset on TP


  • Move all 6 joints 30 degrees and then back 30 degrees and then line up the registration marks (add photos)
    • Joint 4 doesn't have a mark - just line it up flush - make sure the words are in the up position
    • Joint 6 doesn't have a mark - just line up horizontally with the words down.
  • If you get "No Pulse Detected" error on a joint, then you just manually move the joint and then put it back. ????????
  • Menu -> Next -> System -> Master/Cal
    • If Master/Cal isn't shown in the menu, then you have to enable it:
      • Menu -> Next -> System -> Variables -> MasterEnable -> 1. Now Master/Cal will be in the menu.
    • Click on Zero Position Master
    • Yes (F4)
  • You should get warning "SYST-212 Need to apply DCS parameter"
  • Menu -> Next -> System -> DCS
    • Scroll down to Mastering parameter: CHGD
    • Click Apply (F2)
    • Enter Code 1111
      • Please Wait ...
  • Click OK (F4)
    • Should show Mastering parameter: PEND
  • Cycle Power
  • Test by putting in World Frame and make sure the tip moves in the desired X,Y or Z directions


  • "SRV-038 Pulse Mismatch" Error
    • If the problem is just 1 axis (G:1 A:5)
      • Menu -> Next -> System -> Master/Cal -> RES_PCA (soft key F3)
        • Answer Yes. This should clear the alarm
  • "SRVO-062 BZAL Alarm" Error
    • Replace 4 C Cell batteries in battery compartment
    • Clear Pulse Coders
      • Menu - 0 - 6 (System) - F1 (Type) - Master Cal - Enter
      • F3 (RES_PCA)
      • Cycle Power
      • Repeat (You have to do this 2x)
    • Re-Calibrate
  • "MOTN-049 Attempt to move without Calibrated"
    • Recalibrate

Getting Started Guides