Judging Criteria
1. Technical feasibility
2. Clinical utility
3. Economic feasibility and market potential
4. Novelty and patentability
5. Potential for commercialization
surgery, therapeutic application, diagnostics, rehabilitative/assistive technology, home healthcare
Undergraduate and Graduate
Application Steps
1. Basic contact info: Institution, name/contact info of team (students, faculty advisor, dept. chair), Resumes for everyone except the dept. chair (<=3 pages)
2. Basic proposal info: title and 250 word abstract
3. Verification from Wash U (emailed form to dept. chair and advisor)
4. Submission
- Narrative: <= 10 pages, double spaced, 12 pt font; include pictures in body - 2 page Executive summary - Describe problem (.5 page)
objective statement (0.5 page), Document final design (1 page), Prototype final design (1 page), Proof design is functional (1 page), Results of prior art/patentability (1 page), Anticipated regulatory pathway (1 page), Estimated manufacturing costs (1 page), Market analysis/sales strategy (1 page)