Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 breakout

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Revision as of 17:09, 8 March 2016 by Ed (talk | contribs)
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 uint8_t macArray[6];
 WiFi.macAddress(macArray) ;
 for (int i=0;i<sizeof(macArray) ; i++) {
   Serial.print(macArray[i],HEX) ;
   if (i != sizeof(macArray)-1) {
     Serial.print(":") ;
   } else {
  • UDP Packets
    • SSID: wustl-guest-2.0
      • You can use wustl-guest-2.0 for web traffic but all of the other ports are block by the university firewall. However, we have our own wireless network in Bryan 316 for your use.
    • SSID: Bryan316
      • Your ESP8266 module can use the SSID: Bryan316 but you have to send your MAC Address to Ed Richter ( so he can add your device to he access list.
    • UDP Communication
      • Download
      • The .zip file includes example code to transmit and receive UDP packets to the ESP8266.
        • is a LabVIEW program that can run on your computer. It transmits a random number to the IP of your ESP8266 on port 9999 and receives packets from the same IP on port 1000.
        • UDPExample.ino is a slightly modified version of a UDP Example on the ESP8266 forum. This program receives a UDP Packet on port 9999 and retransmits it to the same IP on port 1000.