Smart Lock
Our solution to the problem posed requires us to create a two part solution. The first part is an electronic mechanism that can be installed in doors that will be able to verify the identity of a smartphone users and unlock/open doors for the person. The second part will be an app on a phone that allows the user to securely log in and verify their identity. They will then be granted permission to certain locks which they can then open.
- Graham Webb
- Ahmed Hassan
- Kelvin Xie
- John Gibson (TA)
Goal fo Product
Unwieldy and ineffective electronic keychains that use a smartphone to unlock doors. Our product will decrease the hardware required and try to create a universal system that would be viable and cheaper in real life.
Needed Tools/ Supplies to make our product:
Computer with eclipse or equivalent
3D printer
Arduino/ raspberry pi circuit board or equivalent
CAD software
Some mechanical parts to physically open the door (specific parts to be determined)