Networking Cars

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The project is to create a network of at least two cars that can dynamically connect and disconnect with each other through a latch to allow for easy data sharing between unique sensor systems. Each car will be able to locate the other and align themselves to attach properly. The alignment will be aided using an electromagnet in the latch. Once attached, wires in the latch connected to the microcontrollers of the cars will allow for communication.

Team Members

Curtis Hoffman
Deep Jyoti
Andrew O'Sullivan (TA)


  • Design and build a latching mechanism that integrates electromagnets and wire connections.
  • Using Bluetooth or similar systems, enable each car to locate one another.
  • Create a software interface and allows users to send commands to the cars to connect/disconnect.
  • Add circuitry to each of the microcontrollers on the cars to share information with one another using the I2C connection protocol.


  • Establishing communication between cars
  • Design coupling system for power delivery


  • Pi Car (TBD)
  • IR Sensors

Gantt Chart