Project Summary
Our project aims to enable RFID communication of WUSTL ID cards and Dorm Key Cards. We will use an Attiny85 microcontroller to control the output of a motor driver. The motor driver will output the RFID signals to an inductor. The inductor should acts as an amplifier to the RFID signal that will be readable by a magnetic card swipers. The Attiny85 will hold up to 4 cards and should have an indicator light for what card is currently in use. The Attiny85 will be programmed using an Arudino Microcontoller.
Team Memebers
Nathan Jarvis
Jonathon Severns
- recreate the RF field of a WASHU ID
- open my Urbauer 015 with the device
-Time permitting:
- be able to upload multiple cards
- switch between and use multiple cards
There are a number of challenges associated with this project. The first will be figuring out the standard of the Washu ID. I assume I can assume that it is the ISO standard but we cannot assume that. Once we figure out the standard we can use a card reader to read the data in from the card. One possible problem is that I can't download the driver software on the network computer. So I may need to talk to IT to get permissions.
We would then have to build the supporting circuit to actuate the RFID field using. The schematic is show to the left. As you can we see ee plan to use the motor driver L293D H-Bridge connected to an inductor to amplify the signal from the ATTiny85. We will have a switch for the actuation of the RFID field.
Once we have the hardware built we can move onto the challenge of software. Writing the software should conform to the standard we found from the Washu ID. Once we have a functional program that compiles we have to upload it to the Attiny85 using an arduino. .C files are not directly supported using Arduino Sketches, so we may use an AVR programmer. Then we can move onto debugging the program. We can debug it using the same card reader talked about in the first part. Once we are receiving the smae information from the car reader that we found on our card using our device then we will have reached our main objective. We should then test the device on various doors and other readers.
With extra time we can modify our project to add multiple cards. We would add to our circuit a second switch and two leds. The leds would indicate in binary which card we are using (0:3). The switch would give a signal to Attiny85 to switch tracks.
Ganntt Chart
Budget Proposal
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