CV Chess Logs
Weekly log:
Week 1 Sept. 9 - 15
Robert Goodloe
- (0.25hr) September 12: Created project page and weekly logs.
- (1.5hr) September 13: Built night light circuit and designed print-able case. Unsure which dimensions to use exactly on case until we get the perfboard.
Week 2 Sept. 16 - 22
Robert Goodloe
- (0.75hr) September 18: Flashed raspbian wheezy operating system onto SD card to set up Raspberry Pi (rpi). Researched various ways to install/use openCV on rpi.
- (0.5hr) September 19: Updated Wiki to include the two weeks of work done up to this point.
Nhut Dang
- (1hr) September 19: Soldered night light circuit to newly obtained perfboard
- (2hr) September 20: Attempted OpenCV compilation and install. An error was made by trying to compile on all 4 of the rpi's CPU cores. This led to overheating and a frozen installation.
- (1.5hr) September 22: TA Ethan Shry introduced us to python installation manager 'Pip'. Pip should allow a smaller/simpler install of OpenCV components without long compile time. Ran into issues with OpenCV modules
Week 3 Sept. 23 - 29
Robert Goodloe
- (2.5hr) September 24: Compiled OpenCv on rpi. The pip install was abandoned because to many issues arose trying to install cv2 module. OpenCV traditional compile and
install was done instead. Being ~4GB in size, a new 16GB SD card was used rather than the original 8GB. To avoid the overheating problem, the I let the rpi compile overnight using 1 CPU core. Total install time: ~4 hours. Looking to try face detection tutorial in the next few days to familiarize myself with the software.
- (1.5hr) September 26: Research: how to calibrate rpi camera, Corner detction algorithm vs line detection algorithm, related projects that already exist
- (2hr) September 27: Set up ssh for rpi. SSH was working after 15 mins, rest of time spent unsuccessfully attempting to get pi to automatically email IP address upon boot or setting a static IP address.
- (3hr) September 28: Compiled a list of tutorials for OpenCV on rpi. See refereces section of Project Page. Set Up VNC Viewer and added the execution of a python script to mail the IP address upon start. Managed to complete the equivalent of a "Hello World" tutorial for OpenCV. At its completion, the Pi could recognize faces in an image. I also discovered how to display the input from the camera to the desktop.
Nhut Dang
- (2hr) September 24: Compile the list of goods needed. Thinking about the problem with the chessboard if viewing from the bottom
- (1hr)September 26: Research about light up dance floor, designing the final product, finalizing the budget.
- (1hr) September 28: redesigning the powerpoint, updating the budget, researching about the line detection and corner detection, trying to understand the math behind the transformation.
Week 4 Sept. 30 - Oct. 6
Nhut Dang
- (1.5hr) Sep 30: Researching about existing code about line detection and corner detection. The board can be detected easier using the line detection.