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The Duckling project will be based around a small car that follows a person around when they are close enough for the duckling's sensors to pick up. It will utilize an xbox kinect and it's motion tracking sensors to detect a person's movement. A raspberry pi will be used to connect the xbox kinect to the car.

Team Members

Patricia Collins

Tushar Menon

Matheus Camacho

Tony Sancho (TA)


The duckling project will be deemed a success if

1. The duckling's pi car is constructed successfully according to the reference guide

2. The pi car is able to sense a red dot (or other comparable reference point) and move towards it

3. The raspberry pi successfully connects to an xbox kinect

4. The sensors can differentiate between the movements of a target person or object and other movements.

5. The duckling pi car will move according to information from the xbox kinect

6. The duckling pi car will use the xbox kinect to follow a person


We expect our challenges to include:

1. Completing our project under budget

2. Learning how to use the raspberry pi and arduino

3. Interfacing the pi and arduino with one another

4. 3-D printing. No members have experience.

5. Getting the kinect to communicate with the raspberry pi

6. Working with the kinect image processing to sense a person

We also expect that we may have difficulty working on the project independently if we do not all have access to the pi car with the arduino and raspberry pi mounted on top. We plan to leave it in the lab in order to protect our project and promote inclusivity in access. We have no concerns regarding privacy, user safety, or security from malicious attacks.

Gantt Chart

Chart showing the project schedule vs. the different tasks that need to be solved. The Gantt chart should roughly indicate the contributions of each team member. See this link to wikipedia's Gantt Chart article for more information.


Arduino (free)

Raspberry Pi (free/$35)

Robot car ($100)

Xbox kinect(Used) ($10-$50)

List of items to be purchased, including exact price and provider. General items, such as "cables", are not allowed, you must identify exactly which cable do you need to purchase.