Old announce

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Revision as of 21:28, 9 October 2014 by Guerin (talk | contribs)
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This page is used to keep track of old announcements in chronological order (newer first)

  • [10/02/2014] Solution for Quizz 3: Has been posted on the Exams & Quizzes page of the wiki.
  • [10/02/2014] Grades for Lab12: Are on Blackboard and distributed as shown on the bar chart below (85 was the maximum possible grade). As usual, you can pick-up your graded lab in the CSE office.


  • [9/27/2014] Lab 3: Has been posted on the wiki, and the code and report document have been be pushed to your svn repositories momentarily.

Note: You are allowed to complete this lab together with a lab partner, i.e., a team of 2. As stated on the wiki's under Logistics a team only needs to turn in a single lab report, and both team partners will typically receive the same grade. Please, read the note about selecting a team partner in the lab 3 document. Note also that students who intend to work in a team, need to notify me before noon on Saturday October 4th, i.e., email me the names and student IDs of the two lab partners before that deadline.

  • [9/26/2014] Lab2 solution has been posted in the Labs section of the wiki
  • [9/25/2014] Reminder: As posted on Piazza, there are no new review questions due on Tuesday 9/30/14, since we will start on Lecture 9 for which review questions were discussed at the end of today's class.
  • [9/20/2014] Reminder: As posted on Piazza, there are no new review questions due on Tuesday 9/23/14, since we will start on Lecture 8 for which review questions have already been turned in.
  • [9/17/2014] Quizz 2 grades: Are on Blackboard and distributed as shown on this bar chartFile:Quizz2.jpg.
  • [9/16/2014] Quizz 2 solution: Has been posted
  • [9/16/2014] Grades for Lab1: Are on Blackboard and distributed as shown on this bar chart (Note: 70 was the maximum possible grade) File:Lab1.jpg.
  • [9/11/2014] Lab 1 solution: Has been posted, as has a document providing feedback on Lab1 and advice on what to do in future labs. The content of the document is the same as that of the related post on Piazza.
  • [9/02/2014] Grades for Quizz1: Are on Blackboard and distributed as shown to the right File:Quizz1.jpg.
  • [8/19/2014] First class: In Lopata 101 on Tuesday 8/25/2014 at 2:30pm.
  • [8/19/2014] Students should sign-up for an ONL account (see "Getting an ONL account"), which they will need to complete the optional studios and the labs