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'''This page is used to keep track of old announcements in chronological order (newer first)'''
'''This page is used to keep track of old announcements in chronological order (newer first)'''
* '''[11/28/2014] Final review''':  A set of problems that we will cover during the Final Review session on Thursday December 4, 2014, has been posted in the [[exams | Exams & quizzes]] section of the wiki.  In order for the review session to be useful, you should solve all the problems ahead of time.  Your ability to solve them correctly and quickly will be your best indicator of weakness areas that you should focus on to do well in the final exam.  Other material that can help you prepare for the exam includes past quizzes, review questions, and the exercises in the slides.  The scope of the final exam spans everything that was not included in the midterm exam.  As the midterm, the final will be open-book and you are allowed your computer to facilitate searching through material, though as pointed out before, spending too much time searching for answers in your notes may preclude you from completing all the final's problems.
* '''[11/25/14] Quiz 6''':  The last quiz will be held as scheduled at the start of the class of Tuesday December 2nd.  It spans all topics we covered since the last quiz, including the aspects of security covered in today's lecture (up to slide 17).
* '''[11/25/14] Quiz 6''':  The last quiz will be held as scheduled at the start of the class of Tuesday December 2nd.  It spans all topics we covered since the last quiz, including the aspects of security covered in today's lecture (up to slide 17).
* '''[11/24/14] Lab 5''':  As posted on piazza, because of the uncertainty associated with the pending announcement of the grand jury verdict and how it may affect some students' ability to access the ONL resources they need to finish the lab assignment, the due date for Lab 5 has been postponed until Tuesday December 2nd, AT THE START OF CLASS.  That deadline will be strictly enforced.
* '''[11/24/14] Lab 5''':  As posted on piazza, because of the uncertainty associated with the pending announcement of the grand jury verdict and how it may affect some students' ability to access the ONL resources they need to finish the lab assignment, the due date for Lab 5 has been postponed until Tuesday December 2nd, AT THE START OF CLASS.  That deadline will be strictly enforced.

Revision as of 23:58, 5 December 2014

This page is used to keep track of old announcements in chronological order (newer first)

  • [11/28/2014] Final review: A set of problems that we will cover during the Final Review session on Thursday December 4, 2014, has been posted in the Exams & quizzes section of the wiki. In order for the review session to be useful, you should solve all the problems ahead of time. Your ability to solve them correctly and quickly will be your best indicator of weakness areas that you should focus on to do well in the final exam. Other material that can help you prepare for the exam includes past quizzes, review questions, and the exercises in the slides. The scope of the final exam spans everything that was not included in the midterm exam. As the midterm, the final will be open-book and you are allowed your computer to facilitate searching through material, though as pointed out before, spending too much time searching for answers in your notes may preclude you from completing all the final's problems.
  • [11/25/14] Quiz 6: The last quiz will be held as scheduled at the start of the class of Tuesday December 2nd. It spans all topics we covered since the last quiz, including the aspects of security covered in today's lecture (up to slide 17).
  • [11/24/14] Lab 5: As posted on piazza, because of the uncertainty associated with the pending announcement of the grand jury verdict and how it may affect some students' ability to access the ONL resources they need to finish the lab assignment, the due date for Lab 5 has been postponed until Tuesday December 2nd, AT THE START OF CLASS. That deadline will be strictly enforced.
  • [11/14/2014] Lab 4 grades: Are on Blackboard and distributed as shown on the bar chart below. As usual, you can pick-up your graded lab in the CSE office. Also, recall that as posted on Piazza, although Lab 4's point total is 70, it will scaled by 95/70 when computing its final contribution to your overall grade to better reflect is relative length and complexity compared to other labs.


  • [11/13/2014] Quiz 5 grades: Are on Blackboard, and as usual, you can pick-up your graded quiz in the CSE office. The quiz solution is also available in the Exams & quizzes section of the wiki.
  • [11/10/2014] Lab 3 grades: Are on Blackboard and distributed as shown on the bar chart below. As usual, you can pick-up your graded lab in the CSE office.


  • [11/08/2014] Lab 5: Has been posted and documents and codes will be pushed onto students' repositories momentarily.
  • [10/31/2014] No review questions for Tuesday November 4, 2014: We will go over the review questions for Lecture 15 at the start of next Tuesday's class.
  • [10/31/2014] Lab 4 weight: Although the lab report shows a points total of 70 points, the lab's "weight" will be higher, i.e., multiplied by a factor of 95/70. This is to make it consistent with the point totals assigned to Lab 2 (85 points) and Lab 3 (110 points). Lab 4 is shorter than Lab 3 but of a similar length as Lab 2 and conceptually a bit harder. Hence, it should have a weight somewhere in between that of Lab 2 and Lab 3. This adjustment will be done on Blackboard when computing final total grades, and will not be reflected on the grade shown on the lab itself.
  • [10/28/2014] Quiz 4 grades: Are on Blackboard and distributed as shown on the bar chart below. As usual, you can pick-up your graded quiz in the CSE office.


  • [10/24/2014] Lab 4 Due Date: Because we shifted the Due Date for Lab 3, I shifted the due date for Lab 4 from Tuesday 11/04 to Thursday 11/06.

Note that it is due at the beginning of class, and this time I will enforce this deadline, i.e., by deducting 10 points for every 10 minutes of delay in turning it in.

  • [10/21/2014] Midterm grades: Are on Blackboard and distributed as shown on the bar chart below (65 was the maximum possible grade). As usual, you can pick-up your graded midterm in the CSE office.


  • [10/14/2014] Miterm: Solution for the midterm exam has been posted on the Exams & Quizzes page of the wiki.
  • [10/09/2014] Miterm: Solutions for the midterm review problems have been posted on the Exams & Quizzes page of the wiki. In addition, updated versions of the lecture 10 slides have been posted with solutions to the exercises on the slide. As mentioned in class, you are strongly encouraged to go through the exercises towards the end of the slides dealing with TCP Reno and fast recovery. We went through some of them but not all, and since there will be a question involving TCP fast recovery on the midterm, you should make sure that you understand its operation well. In case you have doubts, please post questions on Piazza or use the TAs or my office hours before the midterm.
  • [10/02/2014] Midterm Review: A set of questions for the midterm review session has been posted on the Exams & Quizzes page of the wiki. You are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to complete those questions ahead of the review session, in order to be able to ask questions on aspects you did not understand.
  • [10/02/2014] Solution for Quizz 3: Has been posted on the Exams & Quizzes page of the wiki.
  • [10/02/2014] Grades for Lab12: Are on Blackboard and distributed as shown on the bar chart below (85 was the maximum possible grade). As usual, you can pick-up your graded lab in the CSE office.


  • [9/27/2014] Lab 3: Has been posted on the wiki, and the code and report document have been be pushed to your svn repositories momentarily.

Note: You are allowed to complete this lab together with a lab partner, i.e., a team of 2. As stated on the wiki's under Logistics a team only needs to turn in a single lab report, and both team partners will typically receive the same grade. Please, read the note about selecting a team partner in the lab 3 document. Note also that students who intend to work in a team, need to notify me before noon on Saturday October 4th, i.e., email me the names and student IDs of the two lab partners before that deadline.

  • [9/26/2014] Lab2 solution has been posted in the Labs section of the wiki
  • [9/25/2014] Reminder: As posted on Piazza, there are no new review questions due on Tuesday 9/30/14, since we will start on Lecture 9 for which review questions were discussed at the end of today's class.
  • [9/20/2014] Reminder: As posted on Piazza, there are no new review questions due on Tuesday 9/23/14, since we will start on Lecture 8 for which review questions have already been turned in.
  • [9/17/2014] Quizz 2 grades: Are on Blackboard and distributed as shown on this bar chartFile:Quizz2.jpg.
  • [9/16/2014] Quizz 2 solution: Has been posted
  • [9/16/2014] Grades for Lab1: Are on Blackboard and distributed as shown on this bar chart (Note: 70 was the maximum possible grade) File:Lab1.jpg.
  • [9/11/2014] Lab 1 solution: Has been posted, as has a document providing feedback on Lab1 and advice on what to do in future labs. The content of the document is the same as that of the related post on Piazza.
  • [9/02/2014] Grades for Quizz1: Are on Blackboard and distributed as shown to the right File:Quizz1.jpg.
  • [8/19/2014] First class: In Lopata 101 on Tuesday 8/25/2014 at 2:30pm.
  • [8/19/2014] Students should sign-up for an ONL account (see "Getting an ONL account"), which they will need to complete the optional studios and the labs