Computer Architecture

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Updated 12/16/2018
Chapter 7 problem 4.F with the 2 CLB solution has an error. The o0 output of the Switch Matrix should be 10. (Or the D3 input should go to the m3 input of the Switch Matrix).
The maximum size gray code counter on problem 4.G with the 4 CLB is 3-bits.

Updated 12/15/2018
The solution on problem 1 of the exam 3 practice problems has been updated to show the correct use of flip-flops. The previous solution used an older version of the CLB where the mux inputs were labeled differntly.
The solution to problem 4.G on the chapter 7 homework has an issue with the 4 CLB version. The problem is stated that there must be a count enable and reset. The largest size counter is 2-bits. Same as the 2 CLB solution. If count enable and reset were removed from the problem statement, a 3-bit (corrected) gray code counter is the largest size counter.
If you have a conflict with the final exam start time of 5:30, you may start the exam at 6:00 and go to 8:00.

Updated 11/27/2018
The final exam time has changed to 5:30 to 7:30 on Monday December 17th.

Updated 11/18/2018
Chapter 7 and 8 problems and solutions have been posted.
The Exam 3 study notes is posted.
Past Exam 3 problems is posted.

Updated 11/11/2018
Corrections to Chapter 6 problems and solutions. I corrected the numbering on the problems. I corrected the solution for problem 11B.
Updated 10/30/2018
The Exam 2 study notes is posted.
Past Exam 2 problems is posted.
Chapter 6 problems and solutions have been posted.

Updated 10/12/2018
Chapter 5 problems and solutions have been posted.

Updated 09/25/2018
The Exam 1 study notes is posted.
Past Exam 1 problems is posted.
Chapter 4 problems and solutions have been posted.

Updated 09/12/2018
Chapter 3 problems and solutions have been posted.

Updated 09/05/2018
The solution for problem 7 in the chapter 1 homework has been corrected.
The solution for problem 5c in the chapter 2 homework has been corrected.

Updated 08/29/2018
You can find the Boolean Algebra identities here. Identities 1 through 17 will be provided on quizzes and exams.

Updated 08/28/2018
Introduction notes have been corrected.

Updated 08/27/2018
Introduction, chapter 1, and chapter 2 notes have been posted.
Chapters 1 and 2 problems and solutions have been posted.

Course Description:

Digital computers and digital information-processing systems; Boolean algebra, principles and methodology of logical design; machine language programming; register transfer logic; microprocessor hardware, software, and interfacing; fundamentals of digital circuits and systems; computer organization and control; memory systems; arithmetic unit design. Occasional laboratory exercises.

Course Information:

Class Procedures: