5.2.3 Integrated output variables

Product: ABAQUS/Explicit  

Elements tested

B21    B22    B31    B32   

C3D4    C3D6    C3D8R    C3D10M   

CPE4R    CPE6M    CPS3    CPS4R   


S4R    SC8R   

T2D2    T3D2   

Features tested

Output variables SOF and SOM give the total force and total moment transmitted across a given surface. This surface typically forms a cross-section cutting through a deformable continuum or structure. The area of the specified surface when projected along the average normal to that surface is given by output variable SOAREA. The vector output is given in the global basis, and the total moment is taken about the global origin by default. However, an integrated output section can be defined using the *INTEGRATED OUTPUT SECTION option. This section can be associated with the integrated output request to obtain the output in a moving coordinate system and the total moment taken about an anchor point that may be translating and/or rotating.

Problem description

The integrated output variables are specified under the *INTEGRATED OUTPUT option. They can be requested only as history output to the output database. These variables are considered whole element set variables, meaning that the quantity requested is summed over the facets of the elements lying under the surface specified.

Each of the verification problems below models a region of given element type, and a number of cross-section-like surfaces are defined using the *SURFACE, TYPE=CUTTING SURFACE option. A uniform initial stress is specified for the entire region. All the nodes of the region are then included in a rigid body that is constrained to undergo a large rotation. Under this rigid body motion the stresses should remain constant. Hence, the total force and the total moment vectors should correspond to the initial stresses and also remain constant. In addition, the integrated output is tested over surfaces through integrated output section definitions.

Results and discussion

These verification problems all impose a simple rigid body motion, and each contains the material under a specified initial stress. In all cases the integrated output based on the fixed stresses remains constant.

Input files


Integrated output over a surface formed on the ends of a beam.


Integrated output over a surface formed on the ends of a beam.


Integrated output over a surface formed on the ends of a beam.


Integrated output over a surface formed on the ends of a beam.


Integrated output over a surface cutting through a solid.


Integrated output over a surface cutting through a solid.


Integrated output over a surface cutting through a solid.


Integrated output over a surface cutting through a solid.


Integrated output over a surface cutting through a solid.


Integrated output over a surface cutting through a solid.


Integrated output over a surface cutting through a solid.


Integrated output over a surface cutting through a membrane.


Integrated output over a surface cutting through a shell.


Integrated output over a surface cutting through a continuum shell.


Integrated output over a surface formed on the ends of a truss.


Integrated output over a surface formed on the ends of a truss.