3.6.1 Submodeling: overview

Submodeling is the technique whereby a portion of a structure is analyzed with a different (usually finer) mesh by “driving” the nodes on the boundary of that mesh from the interpolated solution on the original “global” mesh (see Submodeling, Section 10.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual). To perform a submodel analysis, nodal quantities such as displacements, temperatures, pressures, displacement phases, etc. must be saved on the file output in the global analysis (usually done with a coarse mesh). The global model file output is attached to the submodel run (via the globalmodel parameter on the ABAQUS execution procedure) to drive the boundary nodes on the submodel (usually done with a finer mesh). The same reference frame must be used in both models. The global and submodel meshes can have different element types within the same group of elements: planar solid to planar solid, axisymmetric solid to axisymmetric solid, three-dimensional solid to three-dimensional solid, general shell to general shell, etc. For shell-to-solid submodeling the global model consists of shell elements and the submodel consists of three-dimensional continuum elements. The procedure types can be different between the global analysis and the submodel analysis. For example, a linear static analysis in the global model can drive an elastic-plastic static solution in the submodel (as long as plasticity will not influence the driven boundary nodes), or a dynamic analysis in the global model can drive a static solution in a submodel (this assumes that inertia forces can be neglected at the submodel level). In addition, the global procedure can be performed in ABAQUS/Standard to drive a submodeling procedure in ABAQUS/Explicit and vice versa. For example, an ABAQUS/Standard static analysis in the global model can drive a quasi-static ABAQUS/Explicit analysis in the submodel.

The verification tests are divided into sections according to the element types supported in the submodel capability. Within each section a combination of elements and procedures is tested on small models with a limited number of elements. The values (or amplitudes) at the driven nodes, interpolated from the global analysis, are verified. In most cases the stress and strain fields in the submodel analysis match the results of the global analysis. However, in certain problems the meshes are too coarse to produce good agreement in stress and strain.

Each test consists of two input files: the global analysis and the submodel analysis. The same global file can drive several submodel analysis runs, each using a different mesh with elements that may or may not be the same as in the global analysis.

An example of running a sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis is also given.