51.8 Editing the colors in the Auto-Color List

When you create color mappings, ABAQUS/CAE assigns colors to objects by referring to the color definitions in the Auto-Color List. You can modify the contents of this list by adding, removing, rearranging, and changing the colors.

Unlike color mappings, the Auto-Color List is common for all viewports.

To edit the colors in the Auto-Color List:

  1. From the right end of the toolbar, click the tool.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays the Color Code dialog box.

  2. Click Advanced, and select Edit Auto-colors from the list that appears.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays the Edit Auto-Colors dialog box.

  3. To insert a new color into the Auto-Color list:

    1. Highlight the color in the Auto-Color list that you want to precede or follow the color that you add.

    2. Click Insert Before or Insert After to add a new color in the indicated location in the Auto-Color list.

      The Select Color dialog box opens.

    3. Choose a color, and click OK to close the Select Color dialog box.

    ABAQUS/CAE adds the new color in the selected location.

  4. To change one of the colors in the Auto-Color list, double-click the color and select a new color from the Select Color dialog box that appears.

  5. To move a color within the Auto-Color list, highlight the color and click either Move Up or Move Down to move the color one step in the selected direction.

  6. To delete a color from the Auto-Color list, highlight the color and click Delete.

  7. Continue adding, changing, moving, and deleting colors until the Auto-Color list contains the colors you want in the desired order.

  8. Click OK.

    ABAQUS/CAE uses the revised Auto-Color list for any subsequent color coding.