49.5 An approach to creating virtual topology

You can use the following approach to identify small faces and edges in your model that are unduly affecting the mesh and are candidates for combining into virtual topology:

  1. Use the Object field to display a part or the assembly.

  2. Use the geometry diagnostic tool in the Query toolset to highlight faces that are smaller than the square of the minimum element edge length that you are prepared to accept. You will find it helpful to put the small faces and edges that are identified by the geometry diagnostic tool into a set by clicking Create Set from the prompt area. You can then use the set to guide you through the process of creating virtual topology.

  3. Use the Virtual Topology toolset to combine the faces that have a small area with adjacent faces.

  4. Use the geometry diagnostic tools to highlight edges that are shorter than the minimum element length.

  5. Use the Virtual Topology toolset to combine the short edges with adjacent edges.

  6. Mesh the part or part instance, and review the mesh quality. If necessary, you can continue trying to improve the mesh quality using the Virtual Topology toolset and by adjusting the seeding size.