42.4.7 Tuning regeneration performance

A geometric state is a snapshot of the internal representation of a part or of the assembly. Saving geometric states in a memory cache speeds up regeneration performance; however, the saved states can consume large amounts of memory and decrease overall performance.

The Feature Options dialog box provides settings that allow you to tune the balance between the convenience from saving states and the performance degradation from increasing memory consumption. Select FeatureOptions from the main menu bar to display the Feature Options dialog box. You can also tune regeneration by clicking mouse button 3 on the feature in the Model Tree and selecting Options from the menu that appears.

In most cases the default settings will result in acceptable regeneration performance. You should modify the feature options only if ABAQUS/CAE takes a long time to regenerate a part or the assembly. For more information, see Tuning feature regeneration, Section 42.3.

The Feature Options dialog box also provides settings that allow you to control the order in which ABAQUS/CAE regenerates position constraints relative to other features.

To tune regeneration performance:

  1. From the main menu bar, select FeatureOptions.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays the Feature Options dialog box.

  2. If you know that your features do not self-intersect or if you plan to remove the self-intersection during a subsequent operation, you can toggle off Perform self-intersection checks to speed up feature regeneration. For more information, see What are self-intersection checks?, Section 42.3.4.

  3. If desired, modify the behavior that determines how ABAQUS/CAE regenerates position constraints. For more information, see How are position constraints regenerated?, Section 42.3.5.

  4. If desired, change the number of geometric states that ABAQUS/CAE automatically caches in memory. Ideally, to gain the maximum regeneration performance, you would save the geometric state after every feature modification. However, storing a large number of geometric states consumes large amounts of memory and hinders overall performance. Deciding how many states to save is a tradeoff between regeneration speed and memory consumption. For more information, see What is a geometric state?, Section 42.3.2.

  5. If you find that ABAQUS/CAE is consuming a lot of memory on your workstation and affecting the performance of your system, you can use the Clear buttons in the Feature Options dialog box to erase the memory associated with the part and assembly caches. Clearing this memory will increase performance; however, the snapshots of the geometric state will be erased and regeneration will be slower. For more information, see What is a cache?, Section 42.3.3.

  6. If you spent a lot of time making a series of changes to a part and are satisfied that your design is correct, you can manually save the current state in memory by clicking Cache current state in the Feature Options dialog box. As a result, ABAQUS/CAE can return to this state and regenerate any subsequent additions or modifications.

    The Feature Options dialog box indicates how many geometric states are stored in the caches. Click Query to determine the positioning of geometric states relative to the sequence of features in the current part cache or the assembly cache.

  7. Click OK to change the feature options for the current model.

    The feature options apply only to the current model and are saved in the model database.