33.2.1 Producing a time history animation

Animating by time history produces a sequence of plots that vary over time according to actual analysis results. You can choose to animate a deformed shape, contour, symbol, or material orientation plot.

To produce a time history animation:

  1. Use the File menu to open the output database containing your analysis results.

  2. To plot variables other than those ABAQUS selects by default, use the Result menu.

  3. To customize the steps and frames that ABAQUS/CAE includes in the animation, locate the Active Steps/Frames dialog box.

    From the main menu bar, select ResultActive Steps/Frames. For more information about activating steps and frames, see Customizing the display of steps and frames in the results, Section 24.3.

  4. Use the Options and View menus to select the customization options that you want. These may include deformed, contour, symbol, orientation, and view options.

  5. To initiate the animation, select AnimateTime History from the main menu bar.

    Tip:  You can also produce a time history animation using the tool in the toolbox.

    Animation begins in all animated viewports, and the animation controls appear in the right side of the context bar. ABAQUS is now in the time history animation plot state. In this state ABAQUS automatically refreshes your plot each time you click Apply or OK in the Results, Options, or View menu dialog boxes. All animated viewports remain in the time history animation state until you produce a plot in some other state, such as the undeformed or deformed state. To learn how to control the animation, see Controlling animation playback, Section 33.4.

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