19.17.2 Modifying Sketcher objects by trimming or extending edges

Use the trim and extend tool from the Sketcher toolbox to trim or extend individual edges of Sketcher objects. You can trim or extend an edge at any intersection between the edge and other sketch, reference, or construction geometry. You can also trim or extend an edge at an extended intersection—an intersection that would exist only if another edge in the sketch was extended. You cannot trim or extend a fillet; if you trim or extend an edge that defines an endpoint of a fillet, ABAQUS/CAE deletes the fillet.

To trim or extend edges:

  1. From the modify tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the trim and extend tool . For a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see The Sketcher tools, Section 19.4.1.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

  2. Select an edge near the portion that you want to keep.

    You can select any sketched or imported edge except for circles and ellipses. Circles and ellipses have only one edge, they cannot be extended or trimmed unless you first make them into one or more arcs.

    Tip:  Use the Auto-trim tool to remove part of a circle or an ellipse, or use the split tool to split it into arcs. For more information, see Modifying Sketcher objects by automatically trimming edges, Section 19.17.3, and Modifying Sketcher objects by splitting edges, Section 19.17.4, respectively.

    You cannot extend spline curves. If you trim or split a spline curve, ABAQUS/CAE removes the control points to retain the exact shape of the original curve; therefore, you can no longer edit the shape of the curve.

  3. Move the cursor over other edges in the sketch.

    As you move the cursor, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the edge that would be selected at the current cursor location. ABAQUS/CAE also creates a preview of the extended or trimmed portion of the first edge by highlighting it a different color from the portion that will remain unchanged.

  4. Click to select the highlighted edge.

    ABAQUS/CAE trims or extends the first edge to meet the intersection point (or potential intersection point) with the second edge. ABAQUS/CAE also splits the second edge if the intersection point is between its endpoints.

  5. To trim or extend more edges, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.

  6. When you have finished trimming and extending edges, either

    • Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or

    • Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or

    • Click the cancel button in the prompt area, or

    • Click the trim and extend tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

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