19.9.7 Customizing the format and use of dimensions in the Sketcher

When you add dimensions to your sketch, the default dimension text height is 12 points. You can change the text height by using the arrows in the Dimension text height field on the Dimensions tabbed page of the Sketcher Options dialog box. The dimension text is independent of the current sheet size and zoom settings; that is, the text remains at the size you chose regardless of the apparent size of the dimensioned feature.

In addition, you may want to change the number of decimal places to match the dimensions of the feature you are creating. You can use the Decimal places field to control the number of decimal places displayed in each dimension. To reduce clutter while editing a sketch, you can use the Show dimensions option to hide the dimensions. You can also use the Show parameter names option to display the names of dimensions that have been converted to parameters instead of their numerical values. Displaying parameter names allows you to view dimensions that have been replaced by parametric expressions and helps you to create relationships between various sketch dimensions. Finally, you can select the types of dimensions that can be created automatically with the Auto-Dimension tool.

Dimension text height and decimal place settings apply to the sketch you are working on and are stored along with the sketch. When you create a new sketch, ABAQUS/CAE uses the default dimension text height and number of decimal places for the new sketch. All other dimension options are stored for the remainder of the current ABAQUS/CAE session.

To customize the appearance and use of dimensions in the Sketcher:

  1. From the bottom of the Sketcher toolbox, select the Sketcher customization tool .

    The Sketcher Options dialog box appears.

  2. Click on the Dimensions tab.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays the Dimensions tabbed page.

  3. If desired, toggle Show dimensions.

    When Show dimensions is on, ABAQUS/CAE displays dimensions in the sketch.

  4. If desired, toggle Show parameter names.

    When Show parameter names is on, ABAQUS/CAE shows the names of dimensions that have been converted to parameters. (For more information, see Adding and editing parameters, Section 19.12.5.)

  5. Next to the Dimension text height label, click the arrows to increase or decrease the height of the dimension text.

    Specify the height in points; the height can vary from 8 to 30.

  6. Next to the Decimal places label, click the arrows to increase or decrease the number of decimal places that will be included in the dimension text.

    The number of decimal places displayed can vary from zero to six.

  7. In the lower portion of the page, toggle the dimension types available for use with the Auto-Dimension tool. (For more information, see Automatically dimensioning a sketch, Section 19.12.2.)

  8. After you have chosen the desired customization options, click OK to apply your changes and to close the Sketcher Options dialog box.

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