17.17.2 Obtaining mesh information

To obtain information on the mesh, select ToolsQuery from the main menu bar. You can request information on the following:

If the part or the assembly contains multiple meshed regions, use the following techniques to specify the region you want to query:

If the region contains a native mesh:

Use the mouse to select the desired region in the viewport, and then click mouse button 2 when your selection is complete. For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 6, Selecting objects within the viewport.”

If the region contains an orphan mesh imported from an output database:

Click Sets on the right side of the prompt area. A dialog box appears with a list of all of the element sets that you have created from the orphan mesh. Select the element set of your choice, and then click Continue. For information on creating sets, see Chapter 48, The Set and Surface toolsets.”

To obtain mesh information:

  1. From the Object field in the context bar, select a part or select the assembly.

  2. From the main menu bar, select ToolsQuery.

    Tip:  You can also select the query tool in the toolbar.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays the Query dialog box.

  3. From the Query dialog box, select one of the following queries and click Apply:

    Shell/Membrane normals

    ABAQUS/CAE displays the part or the assembly using the shaded render style. The side of the shell where the surface normal coincides with the shell normal (top face) is shaded brown; the opposite side (bottom face) is shaded purple.

    Beam/Truss tangents

    ABAQUS/CAE displays cyan arrows indicating the direction of the beam tangents.

    Mesh stack orientation

    For hexahedral and wedge elements, ABAQUS/CAE colors the top face purple and the bottom face brown. Similarly, arrows indicate the orientation of quadrilateral elements. In addition, ABAQUS/CAE highlights any element faces and edges that have inconsistent orientation.

    Part mesh or Instance mesh

    Select a part or part instance. ABAQUS/CAE displays the following in the message area:

    • The name of the part or part instance

    • The number of nodes and elements in the part or part instance

    • The number of elements for each element shape

    Tip:  To enlarge the message area so that you can view the entire listing at once, drag the top edge of the message area upward.


    Select an element. ABAQUS/CAE displays the following in the message area:

    • The element label

    • The element topology

    • The element type that ABAQUS/CAE will use for the analysis

    • Nodal connectivity

    Mesh gaps/intersections

    Select a part instance. ABAQUS/CAE highlights any edges of boundary faces of the model in the current viewport with the following:

    • Incompatible interfaces

    • Cracks or gaps

    • Intersections with other faces

    Region mesh

    Select a region. ABAQUS/CAE displays the following in the message area:

    • The region identifier

    • The number of nodes in the region

    • The number of elements in the region

    • The number of elements in the model for each element shape

    • The element type that ABAQUS/CAE will use for the analysis

    • The geometric order

    • The mesh technique applied to the region

    • The mesh algorithm and any options applied to the region

    • The number of logical corners in the region if ABAQUS/CAE used structured meshing to mesh the region

  4. Click Cancel to close the Query dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items: