17.3.1 The meshing process

To create an acceptable mesh, you use the following process:

Assign mesh attributes and set mesh controls

The Mesh module provides a variety of tools that allow you to specify different mesh characteristics, such as mesh density, element shape, and element type.

Generate the mesh

The Mesh module uses a variety of techniques to generate meshes. The different mesh techniques provide you with different levels of control over the mesh.

Refine the mesh

The Mesh module provides a variety of tools that allow you to refine the mesh:

  • The seeding tools allow you to adjust the mesh density in selected regions.

  • The Partition toolset allows you to partition complex models into simpler subregions.

  • The Virtual Topology toolset allows you to simplify your model by combining small faces and edges with adjacent faces and edges.

  • The Edit Mesh toolset allows you to make minor adjustments to your mesh.

Optimize the mesh

You can assign remeshing rules to regions of your model. Remeshing rules enable successive refinement of your mesh where each refinement is based on the results of an analysis.

Verify the mesh

The verification tools provide you with information concerning the quality of the elements used in a mesh.