You can use the Query toolset to display the following:
A list of all of the regions to which you have assigned sections.
The name of a section assigned to a selected region.
The beam orientations assigned to all or selected wire regions.
The material orientations assigned to all or selected shell and solid regions.
The rebar reference orientations assigned to all or selected shell regions.
The direction of shell/membrane normals assigned to all shell and axisymmetric wire regions.
The direction of beam/truss tangents assigned to all wire regions.
To display information about a region:
From the main menu bar, select ToolsQuery.
You can also query the model by clicking the tool in the toolbar.
You can request either a general query or a module-specific query. The Shell/Membrane normals and Beam/Truss tangents queries are general queries. For a discussion of the information displayed by general queries, see Obtaining general information about the model, Section 45.2.2. The Section assignments, Beam orientations, Material orientations, and Rebar orientations queries are specific to the Property module.
From the Property Module Queries list, select the property of interest; then click Apply.
In the prompt area, select the option of your choice:
Click Single region if you want to query only one region of the part. Then select the region in the viewport that you want to query. (For more information, see Chapter 6, Selecting objects within the viewport.”)
You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the selection filter tool in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your choice in the dialog box that appears. See Using the selection options, Section 6.3, for more information.
Click All regions if you want to query all regions of the part.
Once you have specified the regions that you want to query, the following information appears:
Section assignment queries
If you are querying a single region, the name of the section assigned to that region appears in the message area. If you are querying all regions of the part, a list of all the sections applied to the part appears in the message area.
Beam section orientation queries
If you are querying a single beam region, the beam orientation applied to that region appears in the viewport. If you are querying all beam regions of the part, all of the beam orientations applied to the part appear in the viewport. In addition, the -direction for each beam region in the part appears in the message area.
Material orientation queries
If you are querying a single region, the material orientation applied to that region appears in the viewport. If you are querying all regions of the part, all of the material orientations applied to the part appear in the viewport. In addition, information concerning the material orientation of each region in the part appears in the message area.
Rebar orientation queries
If you are querying a single region, the rebar reference orientation applied to that region appears in the viewport. If you are querying all regions of the part, all of the rebar reference orientations applied to the part appear in the viewport. In addition, information concerning the rebar reference orientation of each region in the part appears in the message area.
In the prompt area, click Query Again to query another region of the part.
To exit the querying procedure, click the cancel button in the prompt area.