11.18.3 Copying a part

Select PartCopypart name from the main menu bar to copy a part to a new part. You can copy an ABAQUS native part, or you can copy an orphan mesh part. The compress, scale, and mirror functions operate on both native parts and orphan meshes.

To copy a part:

  1. From the main menu bar, select PartCopypart name.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays the Part Copy dialog box.

  2. From the dialog box, enter the name of the new part.

  3. You can create an identical copy of the original part, or you can select from the following Copy options:

    • Compress features

    • Scale part by

    • Mirror part about

    • Separate disconnected regions into parts

    For more information on the Copy options, see Copying a part, Section 11.5.

  4. Click OK.

    ABAQUS/CAE closes the Part Copy dialog box and copies the selected part to a new part. The new part becomes the current part. You can return to the original part by selecting the part from the Part list on the context bar. For more information, see The context bar, Section 2.2.4.

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