2.6.1 Displaying context-sensitive help

You can use the help tool in the toolbar to display detailed help on any icon, menu, or dialog box that you use in ABAQUS/CAE. When you click the help tool and then click an item in the ABAQUS/CAE window, a help window appears containing the section from the online documentation that is relevant to that item.

To display help on an item in the main window or in a dialog box:

  1. From the right end of the toolbar, click the help tool .

    Tip:  You can also select HelpOn Context from the main menu bar.

    The cursor changes to a question mark.

  2. Position the cursor over the item about which you need help, and click mouse button 1.

    A help window appears. The window contains the appropriate online documentation and links to associated topics.

Alternatively, you can use the [F1] key to display help on a particular item. In most cases you can gain access to context-sensitive help by using the Help menu, the help toolbar icon, or the [F1] key. However, you must use [F1] if you are seeking information about menu items or dialog boxes that do not allow access to the help tool.

To display help using the [F1] key:

  1. Click the feature in the ABAQUS/CAE window that you want help with. If the feature is part of a menu, do not release the mouse button.

  2. Press [F1].

    A help window appears. The window contains the appropriate online documentation and links to associated topics. If you selected a menu item without releasing the mouse button, that menu disappears.

Note:  ABAQUS/CAE also provides brief “tooltips” that describe the function of tools in toolboxes and in the toolbar. To see a “tooltip,” position the cursor over a tool and leave it stationary for a short time.