Obtaining ABAQUS/Standard environment variables, Section 2.1.1
Obtaining the ABAQUS job name, Section 2.1.2
Obtaining the ABAQUS output directory name, Section 2.1.3
Obtaining part information, Section 2.1.4
Obtaining material point information, Section 2.1.5
Obtaining material point information averaged at a node, Section 2.1.6
Obtaining node point information, Section 2.1.7
Obtaining node to element connectivity, Section 2.1.8
Obtaining stress invariants, principal stress/strain values and directions, and rotating tensors, Section 2.1.9
Obtaining wave kinematic data in an ABAQUS/Aqua analysis, Section 2.1.10
Printing messages to the message or status file, Section 2.1.11
Terminating an analysis, Section 2.1.12