Product: ABAQUS/Standard
The classical approach in ABAQUS/Standard to obtain the stabilized response of an elastic-plastic structure subjected to cyclic loading is to apply the periodic loading cycles repetitively to the unstressed structure until a stabilized state is obtained. At each instant in time it typically involves using Newton's method to solve the nonlinear equilibrium equations
The direct cyclic algorithm uses a modified Newton method in conjunction with a Fourier representation of the solution and the residual vector to obtain the stabilized cyclic response directly. The basic formalism of this method is as follows. We are looking for a displacement function that describes the response of the structure at all times t during a load cycle with period T and has the characteristic . We use a truncated Fourier series for this purpose:
We also expand the residual vector in a truncated Fourier series in the same form as the displacement solution:
At the end of each loading cycle, we solve for the corrections to the displacement Fourier coefficients— and
. The next displacement coefficients are then
Convergence of the direct cyclic method is best measured by ensuring that all the entries in and
are sufficiently small. By default, both these criteria are checked in an ABAQUS/Standard solution.
There are two accuracy aspects to this algorithm: the number of Fourier terms and the number of iterations to obtain convergence. The number of Fourier terms needed to obtain a solution depends on the time variation of the cyclic load as well as the variation of the structure response. In determining the number of terms, keep in mind that the objective of this kind of analysis is to make low-cycle fatigue life predictions. Hence, the goal is to obtain a good approximation of the plastic strain cycle at each point; local inaccuracies in the stress are less important. More Fourier terms usually provide a more accurate solution but at the expense of additional data storage and computational time. ABAQUS/Standard uses an adaptive algorithm to determine the number of Fourier terms during the analysis. Both “automatic” time incrementation and direct user control of the time incrementation can be used in the direct cyclic method.
Since the direct cyclic algorithm uses the modified Newton method, in which a constant elastic stiffness matrix serves as the Jacobian throughout the analysis, interface nonlinearities such as contact and friction are not taken into account. These nonlinearities are severe and would probably lead to convergence difficulties if they were included in the direct cyclic algorithm.
By default, the periodicity condition, in which the solution of an iteration starts with the solution at the end of the previous iteration, is always imposed from the beginning of an analysis. However, in cases where the periodic solution is not easily found (for example, when the loading is close to causing ratchetting), the state around which the periodic solution is obtained may show considerably more “drift” than would be obtained in a transient analysis. In such cases the user may wish to delay the application of the periodicity condition as an artificial method to reduce this drift. ABAQUS/Standard allows the user to choose when to impose the periodicity condition. By delaying the application of the periodicity condition, the user can influence the mean stress and strain level, without affecting the shape of the stress-strain curves or the amount of energy dissipated during the cycle. Therefore, this is rarely necessary since the average stress and strain levels are usually not needed for low-cycle fatigue life predictions.