12.8 Stricter geometry checks for tetrahedral elements

Products: ABAQUS/Standard  ABAQUS/Explicit  ABAQUS/CAE  

Benefits: ABAQUS will terminate an analysis and issue an error message if a mesh contains tetrahedral elements whose poor shape will adversely affect the solution. Using the Analysis checks tool in ABAQUS/CAE, you can locate these poorly shaped elements before submitting a model for analysis.

Description: Before conducting an analysis, ABAQUS automatically performs a series of prechecks on a model to ensure that it will perform acceptably during the analysis. These prechecks now include a stricter check of the geometry of tetrahedral elements. If the angle between two element sides is smaller than 0.1° or larger than 179.9°, ABAQUS issues an error message. Elements that fail this geometry check can lead to inaccurate solutions, lack of convergence in ABAQUS/Standard, or a very small stable time increment in ABAQUS/Explicit.

Before submitting a model for analysis, you can manually perform a check of the mesh in ABAQUS/CAE using the Analysis checks tool. In addition to other quality checks, this tool will verify that the angles between the sides of all tetrahedral elements fall within the acceptable range. If they do not, ABAQUS/CAE will highlight the elements that failed the check.

Mesh module:

ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual