Define an UNDEX charge for incident waves.

This option defines parameters that create the time histories of load, displacement, and other variables used to simulate an underwater explosion. This option must be used in conjunction with the *INCIDENT WAVE INTERACTION PROPERTY option.

Products: ABAQUS/Standard  ABAQUS/Explicit  

Type: Model or history data

Level: Model  Step  

There are no parameters associated with this option.

Data lines to define the UNDEX charge: 

First line:

  1. Charge material constant, K.

  2. Charge material constant, k.

  3. Charge material constant, A.

  4. Charge material constant, B.

  5. Adiabatic charge constant, .

  6. Ratio of specific heats for gas, .

Second line:

  1. Density of charge material, .

  2. Mass of charge material, .

  3. Acceleration due to gravity, g.

  4. Atmospheric pressure, .

  5. Wave effect parameter, . Set to 1.0 for wave effects in the fluid and gas; set to 0.0 to neglect these effects.

  6. Flow drag coefficient, .

Third line:

  1. Time duration, .

  2. Maximum number of time steps for the bubble simulation, . The bubble amplitude simulation ceases when the number of steps reaches or the time duration, , is reached.

  3. Relative step size control parameter, .

  4. Absolute step size control parameter, .

  5. Step size control exponent, . The step size, , is decreased or increased according to the error estimate: .

Fourth line:

  1. Depth magnitude of charge material, .

  2. X-direction cosine of fluid surface normal.

  3. Y-direction cosine of fluid surface normal.

  4. Z-direction cosine of fluid surface normal.