This option is used to define a surface-based fluid cavity.
Product: ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: Part Part Instance Assembly
Set this parameter equal to a label that will be used to refer to the fluid cavity.
Set this parameter equal to either the node number of the fluid cavity reference node or the name of a node set containing the fluid cavity reference node. If the name of a node set is chosen, the node set must contain exactly one node.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the *FLUID BEHAVIOR option defining the fluid behavior.
Set MIXTURE=MASS FRACTION (default) to use the mass fraction if the fluid in the fluid cavity is a mixture of ideal gases.
Set MIXTURE=MOLAR FRACTION to use the molar fraction if the fluid in the fluid cavity is a mixture of ideal gases.
Set this parameter equal to the magnitude of the additional volume for the fluid. The additional volume will be added to the actual volume of the cavity calculated by ABAQUS/Explicit.
This parameter is relevant only when an ideal gas model is used. Include this parameter if adiabatic behavior is assumed for the ideal gas.
Set this parameter equal to the magnitude of the ambient pressure. For a pneumatic fluid, the ambient pressure will typically be atmospheric pressure.
This parameter is relevant only when heat energy flow is defined for a pneumatic fluid with adiabatic behavior. Set this parameter equal to the magnitude of the ambient temperature. The ambient temperature will typically be atmospheric temperature.
Use this parameter to define the magnitude of the minimum volume for the fluid cavity. If the volume of the cavity (which is equal to the actual volume plus the added volume) drops below the minimum, the minimum value will be used to evaluate the equation of state model.
Set this parameter equal to a positive value to define the minimum volume directly.
Set MINIMUM VOLUME=INITIAL VOLUME to set the minimum volume equal to the initial volume of the cavity. If the initial volume of the fluid cavity is a negative value, the minimum volume will be set equal to zero.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the surface forming the boundary of the fluid cavity. This parameter is required if the parameter ADDED VOLUME is omitted.
First (and only) line:
Out-of-plane thickness of the surface for two-dimensional models when the SURFACE parameter is included. If this value is left blank or is entered as zero, the default value of 1.0 will be used. Enter a blank line when the surface is defined by three-dimensional and axisymmetric elements or when the SURFACE parameter is omitted.
First line:
Out-of-plane thickness of the surface for two-dimensional models when the SURFACE parameter is included. If this value is left blank or is entered as zero, the default value of 1.0 will be used. Enter a blank line when the surface is defined by three-dimensional and axisymmetric elements or when the SURFACE parameter is omitted.
Second line:
Name of fluid behavior forming the gas mixture.
Mass fraction or molar fraction.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the initial gas mixture.