The ABAQUS HTML documentation collection allows you to view ABAQUS documentation through a web browser. You can also view specific sections of the HTML documentation when you request context-sensitive help from within ABAQUS/CAE or ABAQUS/Viewer. For information about using context-sensitive help, see Displaying context-sensitive help, Section 2.6.1 of the ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual.
Note: Context-sensitive help can function only if you have installed the HTML documentation files.
Type abaqus doc at the system prompt, where abaqus is the command to run ABAQUS.
In ABAQUS/CAE, select Search & Browse Manuals from the Help menu on the main menu bar.
ProgramsABAQUS 6.6 HTML Documentation
For information on installing the HTML documentation, see Chapter 2, Installing ABAQUS,” of the ABAQUS Installation and Licensing Guide.