*Heading Transfer from Explicit to Standard Update the configuration and apply same initial stress as the xpl, recover -ve displacments of same magnitude *Import, Step=1, Int=1, Update=Yes, State=No E1 *BOUNDARY 1, 1, 3 5, 1, 2 4, 1, 1 4, 3, 3 8, 1, 1 *INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=STRESS, UNBALANCED STRESS=STEP E1, 4.9399e09, 246326, 770320 *Step,Nlgeom *Static 1.0,1.0 *Output, Field, Variable=Preselect *Output, History, Variable=Preselect *Output,Field *Element Output Sth *Controls, Parameters=Field, Field=Displacement ,,1.0 *End Step