*heading freqency analysis of the cabin-air substructure (tr_acous_cabin_gen.inp) ** cabin-air super element ** In order to reproduce the result in the example problem, COUPLED ** ACOUSTIC-STRUCTRUAL ANALYSIS OF A PICKUP TRUCK, the parameter ** in tr_parameters.inp should both be changed to 199, ** should be changed to 24. *include, input=tr_parameters_inphase.inp *include, input=tr_parameters.inp *node 41935, 1837.576, 740.3875, 617.6503 41922, 1857.688, -709.6696, 609.3147 41927, 4256.773, 567.58825, 551.844 41928, 4251.238, -567.079, 534.63595 *element, type=z41, elset=cabin_air, file=tr_acous_cabin 1001,41935, 41922, 41927, 41928 *substructure property,elset=cabin_air *nset, nset=boun 41935, 41922, 41927, 41928 *step *frequency,normalization=mass , *boundary boun,1,6,0 *substructure path, enter element=1001 *OUTPUT, FIELD, MODE LIST ***NODE OUTPUT ***U,POR *NODE OUTPUT,nset=CABIN-1_RETAINED_CABIN_CG U, *substructure path, leave *endstep