SUBROUTINE ABQMAIN C==================================================================== C This program must be compiled and linked with the command: C abaqus make job=frad C Run the program using the command: C abaqus frad C==================================================================== C C PURPOSE: C This program reads the results file and outputs the radiation C viewfactors, and facet areas associated with different facets C in a cavity. C C PROMPTS: C 1. 'Enter the name of the results file (w/o .fil):' C C==================================================================== C C INPUT FILE ---- 'FNAME'.fil C OUTPUT FILE ---- vfout C C==================================================================== C INCLUDE '' DIMENSION ARRAY(513),JRRAY(NPRECD,513),LRUNIT(2,1) EQUIVALENCE (ARRAY(1),JRRAY(1,1)) DIMENSION COORD(3),TRACT(3),CLEAR(3) C CHARACTER*80 FNAME,OUTFILE,TEMP CHARACTER*8 TEMP1 CHARACTER*3 NULL LOGICAL STRNCMP PARAMETER (ZERO=0.0D0,ONE=1.0D0,TWO=2.0D0,NULL=' ') C------------------------------------------------------------ C NRU Number of results files (*.fil) to be read C LRUNIT(1,*) Unit number of results file C LRUNIT(2,*) Format of input file (1 = ASCII, 2 = BINARY) C LOUTF Format of output file (not needed here) C COORD(*) Stores the nodal coordinates C IXX Record length C KEY Record key C LSTEPA Step Number C LINCA Increment Number C------------------------------------------------------------ C C--- Initialize File --------------------------------------- NRU = 1 LRUNIT(1,NRU) = 8 LRUNIT(2,NRU) = 2 LOUTF = 0 OUTFILE = 'vfout' FNAME = NULL C--- Change below to set to desired step and increment when C--- requesting restricted output; Default is for all steps C--- and increments available in the results file LSTEPA = 1 LINCA = 1 C--- C C Get the name of the results (.fil) file C C------------------------------------------------------------ WRITE(6,*) ' Enter the name of the results file (w/o .fil): ' READ (5,'(A)', IOSTAT=J) FNAME IF (J .NE. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'ERROR IN READING INPUT DATA' C C C Access ABAQUS libraries and open input file C------------------------------------------------------------ CALL INITPF(FNAME, NRU, LRUNIT, LOUTF) OPEN(UNIT=15,FILE=OUTFILE,STATUS='UNKNOWN') JUNIT = LRUNIT(1,NRU) CALL DBRNU(JUNIT) C------------------------------------------------------------ C End access C CALL DBFILE(0, ARRAY, JRCD) if (jrcd .ne. 0) write(15,*) 'ERROR IN FILE-ACCESS' DO WHILE (JRCD .EQ. 0) C C IXX = Record length C IXX = JRRAY(1,1) C C KEY = Record type key C KEY = JRRAY(1,2) C C Output Request Definition C IF(KEY .EQ. 2000) THEN LINC = JRRAY(1,9) LSTEP= JRRAY(1,8) END IF C Output desired quantities to the output file C C----------------------------------------------------------- C Uncomment below to get output for specific increment/step. C Default output is for all increments available in the file. C----------------------------------------------------------- C IF((LINC .EQ. LINCA) .AND. (LSTEP .EQ. LSTEPA)) THEN IF (KEY .EQ. 2000) THEN WRITE(15,'(/,1X,A,1X,I6,1X,A,I6)')'STEP NUMBER', LSTEP, 1 'INCREMENT',LINC WRITE(*,'(/,1X,A,1X,I6,1X,A,I6)') 'WRITING OUTPUT FOR STEP', 1 LSTEP, 'INCREMENT', LINC END IF IF(KEY .EQ. 1605)THEN NUMFACETS = JRRAY(1,3) WRITE(TEMP,'(A)') ARRAY(4) WRITE(15,30)TEMP,NUMFACETS 30 FORMAT(//,1X,'CAVITY NAME:',1X,A,/, 1 1X,'NUMBER OF FACETS:',1X,I6) ELSEIF(KEY .EQ. 1609) THEN MVFLEN = JRRAY(1,3) MATRIXSIZE = INT(SQRT(REAL(MVFLEN))) ELSEIF( KEY .EQ. 1606 ) THEN WRITE(15,'(/,1X,A)')'VIEWFACTOR MATRIX (ROW - COLUMN)' WRITE(15,40) (ARRAY(I),I=3,JRRAY(1,1)) 40 FORMAT(1X,1PE14.6,', ') ELSEIF(KEY .EQ. 1607) THEN WRITE(15,'(/,1X,A)') 'FACET AREA' WRITE(15,50)(ARRAY(I),I=3,JRRAY(1,1)) 50 FORMAT(1X,1PE14.6,', ') ENDIF C ENDIF CALL DBFILE(0, ARRAY, JRCD) ENDDO RETURN END